What Level is Your Design Business?

LuAnn University: An Annual Opportunity to Master Your Business

LuAnn University: An Annual Opportunity to Master Your Business

Registration for LuAnn University is kicking off with early bird pricing through December 19th.

This year, LuAnn University is running once annually. The Winter 2024 Semester is right around the corner, and sure to pay dividends all year long for those who attend.

In the past, we’ve held multiple semesters, but we are currently offering all the amazing classes and expert instructors in a single season. And if you’re a student, this is great news.

You now have access to a larger cohort of design professional colleagues— meaning more experience, deeper insight, and a broader perspective brought to each of the online classroom discussions and beyond.

This shared learning experience will not only develop your network, but it will increase the opportunity for meaningful connections within the industry.

So don’t wait, thinking you can always jump into a summer course or sign up for the fall session. The time is now!

Jude Charles is a storyteller producing documentaries for purpose-driven entrepreneurs. In his 3-Hour Intensive, How to Tell a Story on Social Media, Jude focuses on Instagram, giving small businesses and solopreneurs insight into bringing their stories to life online in three-dimensional ways.

If you want to dive even deeper, Jude also has a 5-week Course, Storytelling for Creatives. Here he works with larger businesses.

“When you’re dialing in your brand, you’ve got to know how to tell your story,” he says, explaining that the course covers several different stories, including the origin story, the customer success story, and the transformation story.

Within the course Jude encourages interaction and feedback, fostering community with his students despite their different stages of business. As he sees it, “We all have a unique story to tell that people actually want to hear.”

To Jude, LuAnn University stands out from other industry education because of LuAnn’s all-star roster. “What the community gets are the people she has vetted,” says Jude, explaining that every instructor has either been a guest on the podcast or is someone LuAnn works with regularly.

The courses bring everything full circle with actionable education that brings measurable results, going much deeper than the hour-long podcast episodes.

In each department, there is an incredible lineup of courses and instructors.

You can choose from a variety of 5-Week Courses. In addition to Jude’s, Sara Brennan teaches Process Leads to Profit and Vita Vygovska teaches Systems-Driven Operations.

Jenny Slingerland will be your Design for Construction 101 instructor and Kathleen Anderson will go even further in Design for Construction 201.

(These courses work great in tandem, too!) Kathleen also teaches Online Bookkeeping 101 and Jessica Harling shares her expertise in The “Make a Friend” 7-Step Selling System.

Or bundle several 3-Hour Intensives for a complete package with real impact. “You go from doing one thing to doing the next thing, and you’re continuing to learn. It truly is a university in that way,” says Jude.

Learn all about selling through story with Arianne Bellizaire’s Video for CreativesRachel Moriarty’s Social Selling for Creatives, and Jude’s How to Tell a Story on Social Media.

Or combine the expertise of Traci Connell in Buy Wholesale for Profit with Richelle Plett’s Close More Upholstered Furniture Sales.

Move toward financial freedom with Peter Lang’s course, Securing Financial Success for Your Business, and Kimberly Merlitti’s Increase Profit with Strategic Time Tracking. And no one should miss LuAnn’s signature workshop, The Making of a Well-Designed Business Workshop.

Making time to work on your business might never feel convenient, no matter the time of year.

But you have to intentionally make time for it. As a business owner, it pays to be prepared, which takes time, effort, and consistency, even when you’re busy. But it’s worth the investment.

No matter what stage of business you’re in—beginning, rising, or seasoned designer—there are always gaps to close and skills to improve, which is exactly what LuAnn University can help you do.

Because you don’t have to settle for good enough. 

You deserve the business of your dreams and a career you are proud of.

Look back at your business over the past few months or few years.

Where have you had success? Where have you struggled?

Now, think of your business in the future. What do you want your business to look like this time next year or in five years? And what are you doing now to achieve those goals?

One thing you can do right now is enroll in LuAnn University so you can start 2024 off knowing you are taking action and taking your business to the next level.

Enrollment is open, and early bird pricing is available until December 19, 2023.



Susan Salaz is a writer and content strategist helping purpose-driven Design Professionals grow profitably. Follow @cloudtopcreative on Instagram and connect at susan@cloudtopcreative.com.

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What Level is Your Design Business?