Power Talk Friday: Fred Berns: Set and Get Higher Fees

Welcome to Power Talk Friday! We are very happy have Fred Berns back on the show today! Fred has been our guest many, many times before and he continues to bring value every time, getting right to the point with his really actionable topics. If you’re new to the show, Fred has been on episodes #22, #48, #96, #174, #226, and #289 of the podcast. He is the only interior design industry business coach and speaker who creates personal bios and promotional material for design professionals all over the world, so listen in to find out what he has to share today, about how to set and get higher fees for the work you do.
Fred has more than 25 years experience training design professionals from Dallas to Dubai and creating their online profiles, website, and social media copy, blogs, and marketing forms. In addition, he offers a wide range of business coaching services, ranging from his High-Performance Coaching Program to his Bio Briefing and Website Onceover. As one of the biggest names in the business of interior design, he speaks at design conferences and other events throughout the U.S. and around the world. He also develops sales and marketing programs for international franchise organizations and companies within the interior design industry, and trains manufacturers, retailers, and others on how to increase sales to design professionals. Listen in to find out more.
Show highlights:
- Why Fred really loves what he does so much.
- Why so many designers, who work so hard, just aren’t realizing the abundance and the prosperity that they deserve.
- It’s been Fred’s passion over the years to convince designers to increase their fees dramatically.
- The number one obstacle that’s preventing designers from charging higher fees.
- What Fred has discovered about some of the most financially successful, high-end designers in the world.
- High-end clients are used to paying designers high-end fees.
- Making the decision to make more money- and then focusing on that.
- Why earning more is all about your mindset.
- Having the guts to appreciate your value and raise your fees accordingly.
- Create a list of twenty reasons why you can actually double your fees.
- You can raise the standard of the whole design industry by charging higher fees.
- Learning to run your own business by your own rules.
- Explaining your value to your clients.
- People with money always have money, regardless of the current financial climate.
- Focusing on the pain points of your high-end clients, then painting yourself as a care-giver.
- Positioning yourself as a partner to your high-end clients.
- What you have to do to double your fees.
- How to deal with any objections to your price.
- Small thinking brings about small results.
- Give yourself permission to earn what you really deserve, and to enjoy financial prosperity!
- All about Fred’s new Platinum Package.
Links and contacts:
Fred’s website: Interior Design Business.net
Fred’s email: fred@fredberns.com
Fred’s phone number: 3035893013