Power Talk Friday: Fred Berns – 5 Keys to a Fabulous Fall

Great news! We have Fred Berns back on the show today, for Power Talk Friday! Fred has been with LuAnn in episodes #22, #48, #96 and #174, so they really go way, way back! If you’re new to this show, you have a really great treat in store, because Fred is a Coach, specializing in the Interior Design Industry. He has been coaching and writing promotional copy for Interior Designers for more than thirty years and he is the only Interior Design Business Coach and Speaker who creates promotional materials and personal bio’s for Design Professionals, right across the world. Listen in to find out more.
LuAnn just adores Fred, who has really brought so much value to the Design Industry! He creates online profiles, websites, social media copy, blogs, and marketing forums. Fred believes that the Fall, which he calls The Prime Time For Promotion For Designers, to be the very best time of year for Design Professionals to market themselves. Today, Fred and LuAnn discuss ways that you can sell yourself to the same customers and clients that you have, and also to some new ones, so listen in now, as we find out from Fred why he believes this to be the very best time for you to be promoting your business.
Show highlights:
- Fred explains why he sees the Fall as the time for gold.
- Fred explains his concept of a September Letter and what should go into it.
- The main motive behind the September Letter is to re-introduce yourself to the market place and to remind them about the fabulous services that you have to offer, with your new, killer bio.
- All the different people that you could send a September Letter to.
- What Fred sees as the number one obstacle for Design Professionals around the world.
- Some great ideas for Fall Specials.
- Fred’s thoughts on giving special offers, without having to lower your fees.
- Snail mail sometimes has more impact than emails.
- Fred goes over his Champions Checklist.
- LuAnn gives some great ideas for Marketing yourself in the Fall and building your networking muscle.
- Fred reminds you that you miss a hundred percent of the shots you didn’t take.
- What your blog posts need to be addressing, right now.
- Some ideas for a Fall Fix Up Session.
- More good reasons for marketing yourself in the Fall.
- Both Fred and LuAnn are going to be at America’s Mart, in Atlanta, in the last week of September.
- If you’re looking for some help with your September Letter, or with your Fall Strategy, go to biobriefing.com for a thirty-minute session with Fred.
His website: InteriorDesignBusiness.net Fred’s Email:Fred@FredBerns.com