Power Talk Friday: Eileen Hahn: Scaling from 2 Million to 5 Million

Welcome to A Well-Designed Business, it’s Power Talk Friday! Today, Luann and her guest, Eileen Hahn, dig into how to scale your design business from 2 million to 5 million. Going from 2 to 5 million is not easy, and it does not happen by accident. Intentional is the name of the game when scaling at this level. Who better to take us through that than Eileen? She’s the HR whisperer from LuAnn’s first Power Talk Friday Experts book. Eileen was with us all at LuAnn Live and she also has a chapter in LuAnn’s upcoming second Power Talk Friday Experts book, as well. Oh, and did you know that LuAnn and Eileen are COUSINS? Tune in to their conversation for expert advice on hiring, retaining, and scaling, and be amazed as Eileen takes
this overwhelming task of scaling and breaks it down into a simple (not easy, simple) to-do list!
Eileen Hahn is a leadership consultant who works with firms like Anheuser-Busch, Ericson Worldwide, General Motors, Legoland, San Diego Padres, and interior design firms, as well as smaller entrepreneurial firms. She teaches leaders in these organizations how to hire and lead exceptional employees who bring fire and energy to their work, achieve high levels of performance, and generate financial results. Eileen’s work has improved productivity, profitability, and employee work passion. It has also brought the employees joy, peace, purpose, and prosperity.
Show Highlights:
- Create a compelling vision statement that defines your firm. Make it something your team can get excited about and feel proud to be a part of.
- Then take that vision and get real with it – set a monetary goal.
- Now, back up that financial goal with a sales strategy. It’s human nature to just hope you’ll hit your goal. But just hoping isn’t going to get you where you want to go. To hit your dollar amount goal, you must dedicate considerable time to developing your sales strategy.
- Dissect your business. Think about:
- What has worked before?
- Can this take us to the next level, or is this activity maxed out?
- What am I going to do differently to scale?
- Eileen breaks down the overwhelming task of scaling and breaks it down into these simple steps:
- What do I like doing?
- What am I good at doing?
- What market segment do I enjoy working in?
- Each year you should spend a minimum of 2-3 days of strategic analysis and planning for your business. Quarterly planning is even better!
- The world is changing and so is business, so we must keep on eye on what is working and plan for new strategies.
- Understand where you are as the business owner, what you need, and where you see yourself so that you can set yourself up for success with the right people.
- Eileen shares hiring considerations and tips.
- If you’re thinking about growth, recognize this time as the last opportunity you’ll have to assess whether each person on your team fits and is utilizing their strengths and skills.
- Eileen has put in the work for you on preparing Interior Design Firm Hiring Toolkits for hiring Exceptional Designers, Design Assistants, Expediter/Purchasers, Bookkeepers, and Office Administrators. The investment is $297 for each role, or purchase the bundle for a discounted price!
Connect with Eileen!
Eileen’s Instagram
Eileen’s LinkedIn
Eileen’s Interior Design Firm Hiring Toolkits
Eileen’s Email
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Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
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