What Level is Your Design Business?


Power Talk Friday: The Top Ten Listened to Episodes of 2023!

Today With LuAnn Nigara: Join me on the last show of 2023 to do a quick recap of the best episodes we had this year! From inspiring events like LuAnn Live 2023 to the launch of our docuseries, "The Making... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)

Bessie Seeley: Growing a Thriving Interior Design Firm From the Kitchen Table

Today With Bessie Seeley: Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Many designers start their businesses on the side, from home, or wherever we can squeeze in our work. And as they grow, most of them pivot... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)

Eddie Maestri: Analyzing Past Projects for Future Success

Today With Eddie Maestri: In today’s episode we’ll be touching on a topic I love, project autopsies. My guest today, Eddie Maestri, has also found these autopsies to help not only improve his overall... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)

What Level is Your Design Business?