Power Talk Friday: Amy Flurry: From Creating Media Opportunities to Creating a Product line; Aloka Home

Today With Amy Flurry:
Join us on this episode as we welcome Amy Flurry back to the show. Amy operates a boutique communications and brand development firm in Athens, Georgia. Along with her team and advisor, they partner with companies in the home furnishings industry to develop and implement focused communication plans, expand marketing strategies to connect to the interior design trade and apply trend direction to product development. In today’s episode she’ll be telling us all about Aloka Homes, a company that re energizes vintage quilts, made of layers of saris that were hand-stitched in India 60-80 years ago. Prepare to be inspired by the artistry and story behind these remarkable pieces!
More About Amy Flurry
Amy Flurry operates a boutique communications and brand development firm in Athens, Georgia. Along with her team and advisor, they partner with companies in the home furnishings industry to develop and implement focused communication plans, expand marketing strategies to connect to the interior design trade and apply trend direction to product development.
Amy has two decades of editorial experience, producing features and writing for top print and online publications. In 2011 Amy authored Recipe for Press (Pitch Your Story and Create a Buzz,) and is a nationally recognized speaker on the subject of DIY PR. Recipe for Press (Designer Edition) is her newest book with the tools interior designers need to take advantage of the press opportunities available to creative professionals. The book took shape after two years as creative director of the first-of-its kind project management app for interior design professionals.
Amy is co-founder of Paper-Cut-Project, a company that conceives highly crafted installations for fashion houses including Hermes, Kate Spade, Valentino, Christies and the Victoria & Albert Museum. She is also principal in aloka, a home accessories company with an emphasis on limited-supply vintage pillows and throws thoughtfully styled for today’s living.
Connect with Amy Flurry
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