Leia Ward: Getting Started with Luxury Staging
Today with Leia Ward Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. New York-based luxury stager, Leia Ward, took her dad’s suggestion to start a staging business and ran with it. She learned the business, wore... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
Marianna Zimmerman: It’s Never Too Late to Design Your Life
Today with Marianna Zimmerman Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today, I’m talking with Marianna Zimmerman, owner of The BEST is yet to come DESIGNS, LLC. "Your current situation doesn't have to... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
What Would Lu Do?: Honor Your Best Self When Setting Your Goals
Today on A Well-Designed Business: Today is a What Would Lu Do episode! Today is a follow-up to last week’s show where I suggested a framework for setting meaningful goals for your business. If you missed... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
Power Talk Friday: Buildlane: Innovating Custom Furniture Creation
Today with Frank Eybsen: Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today we speak with Frank Eybsen, founder of Buildlane. Buildlane’s mantra is to make custom easy for designers. We all know how daunting... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
What Would Lu Do?: Goal Setting 2022: Decide To Be Excellent!
Today on A Well-Designed Business: Today is a What Would Lu Do episode! Today is the first show of the new year, so let's work together and make sure 2022 is a productive and profitable year! In this episode,... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
Power Talk Friday: Chelsie Butler: Tips from the Executive Editor of Kitchen Bath & Business, the Official Publication of KBIS
Today with Chelsie Butler: Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. It's Power Talk Friday! Today I am joined by Chelsie Butler. Chelsie is the executive editor of Kitchen & Bath Business, the official... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
Power Talk Friday: Erica Courdae: Incorporating DEI Practices in Your Business
Today with Erica Courdae: Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. It's Power Talk Friday! Erica Courdae, diversity and inclusion coach, is packed with simple, actionable advice ensuring our conversations... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
Chloe Mackintosh: Chloe Mackintosh: How She Went From Blogger to Interior Designer
Today with Chloe Mackintosh Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today, I’m chatting with Chloe Mackintosh, the principal designer and creator of Boxwood Avenue. Chloe and I discuss her journey from... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
Power Talk Friday: The Company Store: A Legacy of Luxury and Comfort
Today with Corinne Bentzen: Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today is a sponsored show with The Company Store, a premier source of luxury down bedding and home products. Corinne Bentzen, CEO of The... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)
Erica Reiner: Make More Green by Going Green
Today with Erica Reiner Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Erica Reiner of Eco Method Interiors niched down and rebranded after a few years in business. Learn what prompted her big change, what she does... (READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION)