Celebrating 6 Years

Today on A Well-Designed Business:
A Well-Designed Business is 6 years old today! Can you believe it? I can’t tell you what it means to me to have you on this journey with me. So really, while I am celebrating this milestone for the podcast, I’m also celebrating YOU.
I’ve been reflecting on all that’s happened between February 15th, 2016 and today, and I’m blown away by the education I’ve received from all the incredible guests and sponsors I have had the privilege to work with throughout the years.
Today I will be sharing some of the big lessons I’ve learned from my three featured sponsors: @kravetinc , @mydoma , and @windowworks
Give the episode a listen, and tell me: What are the biggest #ahamoments you’ve experienced?
Thank you for coming along for the ride and choosing to spend your time with me each week.
What’s new with LuAnn Nigara
Exciting Windows! Build a Better Business Registration
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Purchase LuAnn’s Books Here:
Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2
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