Power Talk Friday: Nancy Ganzekaufer: Profit Insiders Academy: Marketing Lessons From Taylor Swift’s Playbook

Today With Nancy Ganzekaufer:
Today’s Power Talk Friday is sponsored by Nancy Ganzekaufer’s Profit Insiders Academy Group Coaching Program which kicks off in January 2024. Nancy joins us once again to discuss how designers can approach marketing the way Taylor Swift does. Let’s face it fan or not, she is a marketing genius. This #smartlady continues to upgrade the Profit Insiders Academy with new additions including The Key- the Designer’s Ultimate Pricing Tool and NancyGPT which gives you NEXT LEVEL search capabilities. Listen in to learn how to apply to The Profit Insiders Academy and have a chance to win an additional one-on-one with Lesley.
Pick It Apart
[6:35] Viewing your marketing strategy from the example of Taylor Swift.
[10:57] How Taylor permeates each generation with her marketing.
[18:27] How Taylor has a strong and active social media presence.
[20:39] The importance and benefits of showcasing your collaborations.
[29:46] Nancy explains how The Profit Insider’s Academy works and all of its benefits for designers.
LuAnn Nigara and Nancy Ganzekaufer’s Ah-Ha Moments
“This year’s LuAnn Live was focused on health and wealth. This is hugely important to me. Marketing smartly is an important part of that, so you’re not running yourself ragged.” – Nancy Ganzekaufer
“Share authentically and learn to apply stories. People can relate to and follow along with stories.” – Nancy Ganzekaufer
Share stories where you have learned a significant lesson from a mistake, that will prevent your client from making the same one.” – LuAnn Nigara
“When you showcase your fun, you won’t believe how many people will relate to it.” – Nancy Ganzekaufer
More About Nancy Ganzekaufer
Nancy Ganzekaufer is a highly sought-after Business Coach, Speaker, Body Language Trainer, and Author, named one of the Top Coaches in New York in 2022! Nancy specializes in coaching interior designers on marketing & sales strategies and systems, teaching them how to maximize their profitability while identifying and best serving their ideal clients with confidence. Through her proven techniques, Nancy has empowered thousands to know (and charge!) their worth, succeed in sales without feeling sales-y, and position themselves in their market with authenticity and authority.
In addition to her own book Respond with Confidence: A Business Owner’s Blueprint for Handling Difficult Situations, Nancy is an author in my book, The Making of A Well-Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action. Nancy has also been a keynote sponsor at LuAnn Live, a frequent guest on this podcast, and one of my past Power Talk Friday experts.
Nancy is the founding President of the Interior Design Society (IDS) Virtual Chapter and was an Executive IDS Board Member and the first recipient of the IDS Outstanding Leadership Award for her 12 years of active participation in national leadership and her local chapter in Long Island, New York.
Connect with Nancy Ganzekaufer
Check out the Profit Insiders Academy
Hop on my calendar for a Business Strategy Session!
Maximize your profitability and never be underpaid again
Protect yourself, your business, AND your client
Other Shows Mentioned:
AWDB #15 Nancy Ganzekaufer- Niche is Rich
AWDB #159 Power Talk Friday – Nancy Ganzekaufer – How To Get Confident & Clear on What You Offer
AWDB #256 Nancy Ganzekaufer- A Powerful Strategy to Attract More Clients
AWDB #389: Power Talk Friday: Nancy Ganzekaufer: The Interior Design Profit Formula
AWDB #766 Lesley Myrick: Offering Interior Design Without Procurement
AWDB #783: Power Talk Friday: Nancy Ganzekaufer: Profit Insiders for Interior Designers
Other Resources Mentioned:
Respond with Confidence: The Business Owner’s Blueprint for Handling Difficult Situations
A Big Thank You to Today’s Sponsor:
Today’s show was sponsored by Nancy Ganzekaufer and her program Profit Insiders Academy.