What Level is Your Design Business?

Power Talk Friday: Desi Creswell: Leading from Your Future Self

Episode 777 of A Well-Designed Business®

Today with Desi Creswell: Welcome to A Well Designed Business. If you’re anything like me, you have a neverending to-do list. There’s always something else to get done, another box to check, another urgent task to complete. But when we get bogged down in those tasks, it becomes impossible to work on the business.  So how do we motivate ourselves to take a step back and work on the higher level needs? Interior Design Coach Desi Creswell shares her framework for getting big tasks done, even if it feels like you’ll never be able to.

Learn more about Desi’s masterclass “The Focus Fix” starting June 7th, 2022

Pick it apart:

  • [2:52] Desi talks about what a balanced business looks like and how we stop ourselves from building one. 
  • [14:40] Desi sheds light on common mistakes she sees when people try to focus on important tasks. 
  • [29:09] Desi walks through her simple framework for tackling major tasks.
  • [45:08] LuAnn and Desi talk about how to keep yourself committed to tasks even when you don’t want to do them. 
  • [52:05] Desi shares the importance of evaluating yourself with curiosity to see why something isn’t getting done.

LuAnn and Desi Creswell’s Ah-Ha Moments

“Ask yourself ‘Why do I think that my clients are worthy of my time and attention but my business is not?’” -Desi Creswell

“There will never be a time where you magically have a week where you don’t receive any emails or phone calls or have any deadlines.” -Desi Creswell

“What you want us to recognize is, we don’t just do it on Tuesday because we put it in our calendar to do it. We do it because on Wednesday we will be so glad we took the first steps.” -LuAnn Nigara

Connect with Desi Creswell

Learn more about Desi’s masterclass “The Focus Fix” starting June 7th, 2022



What’s new with LuAnn Nigara

Power Talk Friday Tour at High Point

Exciting Windows! Build a Better Business Registration



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Purchase LuAnn’s Books Here:

Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2

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What Level is Your Design Business?