Claudia Ricciardone: Her Journey from Hobby to Interior Design Business.

Today with Claudia Ricciardone:
Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today, I’m talking with Claudia Ricciardone, founder of Claudia Josephine Design.
Claudia and I discuss those stubborn pain points that we face in starting a business. Coming from a psychology background, Claudia teaches us that pain is what actually causes us to grow in that it forces us to find a solution. Listen in as Claudia shares her own solutions as she navigated turning her hobby into a business. I don’t know about you, but when a psychologist offers business advice, I am going to listen.
Pick it apart:
[6:10] Claudia begins her discussion about some of the pain points she experienced while starting her interior design business.
[16:44] Claudia tells us how she transitioned from hobby to business.
[23:40] Claudia needed a team and she tells us who she knew she needed to hire first.
[33:15] Advice on making an investment for your business.
[51:00] LuAnn and Claudia discuss having those, sometimes hard, discussions about money with potential clients.
LuAnn and Claudia Ricciardone’s Ah-Ha moments:
“When there is a pain point, ask yourself what quality you need to develop to move past that pain point.”- Claudia Ricciardone
“In addition to the content I provide for my promotional offerings, you just never know who you are going to meet that could be a colleague that you can learn from, and they learn from you, and improve your business.” – LuAnn Nigara.
“Hire the best photographer you can afford. Hiring a great photographer is what got me published in my first magazine, LUX Lifestyle Magazine.” – Claudia Ricciardone.
“Wherever you are in the business, you can see your goals clearly, but you can still have fear. The difference is taking the plunge or not. If you are running a business there is no getting around making an investment.” – LuAnn Nigara
“When the student is ready the teacher will come. The right guides will come.” – Claudia Ricciardone
More about Claudia Ricciardone:
Claudia Ricciardone is a luxury residential interior designer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Claudia provides full-service interior design services with a focus on sustainable and eco-friendly furnishings and décor through the company she founded, Claudia Josephine Design.
Claudia is a certified GREEN Accredited Professional (AP), member of the Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC), and Maria Killam Certified True Colour Expert. She served as the interior design columnist at LUX Lifestyle Magazine, where her work was published and distributed internationally. Claudia’s designs were also recently featured in Southpark Magazine.
Connect with Claudia Ricciardone:
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