Leia Ward: Getting Started with Luxury Staging
Today with Leia Ward Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. New York-based luxury stager, Leia Ward, took her dad’s suggestion to start a staging business and ran with it. She learned the business, wore every hat, and pushed out of her comfort zone to build an amazing business. Learn how she handles her finances, where she got her business knowledge, and what she tells herself every day.
Pick it apart:
[13:46] Leia tells about her first real staging gig a luxury property
[19:16] Leia shares how she got images for her website
[23:16] LuAnn recaps Leia’s smart business choices
[26:17] Leia tells how she creates a strategic plan
[30:06] Leia tells how she visualizes future memoring
[41:00] Leia tells how she learned the money side of the business
[49:39] Leia shares about the Profit First method she used
LuAnn and Leia Ward’s Ah-Ha moments:
There’s value in being strategic. Take time to think “how do I want to be received?” – and then you work backward from there.” – Leia Ward
“The number one thing is, don’t worry about what anyone else is doing.” – Leia Ward
“It’s the true desire connected to the gratitude and the action that makes it happen.” – LuAnn Nigara
“If you’re going to dream, dream big.” – Leia Ward
More about Leia Ward:
LTW Design is an award-winning staging design firm specializing in
exclusive luxury properties. Named one of the ‘Top 10 Luxury Stagers’
in the country, the firm’s expertise is limitless. With an expansive
inventory of furniture, accessories and artwork, their strategic interior
marketing approach helps to sell homes swiftly and at top market
Value. Founder & Principal Leia T. Ward is a one-of-a kind uniquely qualified
leader in the real estate staging industry. Professionally trained and
using the most innovative marketing techniques, Leia & her team have
staged the most exclusive homes in the Northeast ranging from $1M-
$20M, including the residence of Bruce Willis + Emma Hemming.
Known for her attention to detail and forever inspired by her world
travels, Leia has remarkable talent for blending textures, natural light
and clean lines in every project. The LTW brand has a signature style
of casual sophistication, creating calm and beautifully balanced
Clients today benefit from her exceptional communication, project
management and problem solving skills mastered during her 10 years
working in the television and magazine industries in New York City.
She has developed a unique ability to understand her client’s needs
— which has been a key part of LTW Design’s success.
Her trademark aesthetic of clean lines, bold neutrals and layered
textures has been featured in magazines and websites including
House Beautiful, Town & Country, CTC&G, New England Living,
PureWow, Serendipity, Access Hollywood and more.
Connect with Leia Ward:
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2
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