Peter Lang, Kimberly Merlitti, and Michele Williams: Financial Prep for Year-End- The Must Do’s

Today with Peter Lang, Kim Merlitti, and Michele Williams
Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Our financial Power Talk Friday experts, Michele Williams, Peter Lang, and Kim Merlitti are talking about year-end cleanup and planning for the new year. They cover what your balance sheet should look like, what tax strategies you can consider, what to look for in a financial professional, and why mindset matters.
Pick it apart:
[21:26] Kim shares about what’s included in the balance sheet cleanup
[28:16] Peter elaborated on the balance sheet cleanup
[31:41] Michele shares more about what issues she sees in clients’ balance sheets
[35:37] Peter talks about how to account for pending installations
[42:48] Michele explains how the Profit First account separation can help understand your revenue better
[55:08] Kim advises on cash planning with your tax accountant
[1:01:53] Kim shares how she helps clients project earnings
[1:03:56] Michele talks about how she helps clients build a three to five-year plan
[1:06:34] Michele shares how she helps clients who have empty pipelines
[1:14:11] Peter advises on the PPP and Covid grants and tax deferment options
LuAnn, Peter, Kim, and Michele’s Ah-Ha moments:
“The balance sheet should be a perfect representation of your financial state at that moment.” – Michele Williams
“It’s the day-to-day that moves us forward in any plan – it’s not just the big moment. It’s every single day being committed to the goal.” – Michele Williams
“When you put it down on paper, it happens.” – LuAnn Nigara
More about Peter, Kim, and Michele:
Peter Lang
Peter Lang is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. He is the founder of The Designer CPA, a CPA firm that works exclusively with business owners in the design industry. He has worked in public accounting since graduating from Providence College in 2002. After working for several larger size firms in Boston and Rhode Island, Peter realized his true passion was to start a firm that specifically focused on designers.
Kim Merlitti
Kimberly Merlitti owns KMM Consulting based out of Washington, D.C. Kimberly has 20 years of experience working in accounting for companies such as Swinerton Builders, WRNS Studio and Martin Group. She has her Masters in Accounting from Golden Gate University. Located in Washington D.C. her clientele includes a diverse group of service based companies, with a main focus on small interior design, construction and architectural firms. The goal of her firm is to make the businesses she works for as profitable as they can be by educating them on accounting, cash flow management, tax deductions, project reporting, and business management.
Michele Williams
Michele is the founder of Scarlet Thread and Consulting in Atlanta, Georgia. Today we will learn about Michele’s background which includes the financial software industry as well as a business in soft window treatment fabricator. She also has a BS in business administration, a diploma in Christian life coaching and she is one of the few certified profit first coaches in the United States. Michele was also the communication director and editor in chief of the Drapery and Designs Professional Magazine from 2009 to 2012. She is a member of The Design Collective in Atlanta, the Designers Work Club Council and the Window Covering Association of America.
Connect with Peter, Kim, and Michelle:
Peter Lang
Kim Merlitti
Michele Williams
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