Power Talk Friday: Emily King: Rewriting Your Money Mindset

Today with Emily King:
Welcome to A Well-Designed Business. What money story are you’re playing in your head? Does it open you up to opportunities and building a successful business or does it hold you back from making your dreams a reality? Emily King, of The Rich Woman, walks through how to discover our money personality and detox ourselves from negative money talk so we can start living a life of abundance and opportunity.
Pick it apart:
[16:10] Emily explains what money mindset is.
[25:20] Emily shares how her money mindset was shaped by her childhood.
[34:11] Emily explains the money personality archetypes.
[47:14] Emily shares some things you can do on your own to recognize and overcome your money blocks.
[51:07] LuAnn tells how she prepared her daughters to be able to support themselves no matter what.
LuAnn and Emily King’s Ah-Ha moments:
“We get to rewrite our money story to a more empowering one.” – Emily King
More About Emily King:
Emily King is a wealth & abundance coach for entrepreneurial women and the founder of The Rich Woman signature coaching program. Since 2015 she’s worked with 100’s of women to help them create a loving relationship with money so they can massively increase their income and impact. Armed with an MBA and certifications as an NLP practitioner, timeline therapist and pilates instructor (yes–all those things!), Emily brings the perfect mix of manifesting-woo and business chops to the table to help women across the world live their best ‘Rich Woman’ lives – a life of financial freedom, fulfillment and fun.
Connect with Emily King:
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
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