Cathy Maready: Listen and Observe Your Client to Unlock Your Interior Design Inspiration

Today with Cathy Maready:
Welcome to A Well-Designed Business. Cathy Maready shares a special piece of relationship-building wisdom she’s gained from running her North Carolina interior design business called Elephant Ears, since 1990. She also has a clever way to take the ick-factor out of your budget conversation with clients. She’s stacked several key skills to produce a successful business and thrilled clients.
Pick it apart:
[19:22] LuAnn recaps the importance of integrating a client’s passion and story into their design
[35:52] Cathy shares how she has the budget conversation with clients
[42:07] LuAnn and Cathy review the angle they use when talking about budget
[48:03] Cathy share about how she handles potential clients who don’t have sufficient budget
LuAnn and Cathy Maready’s Ah-Ha moments:
“You got personality, budget and expectations. There has to be a beautiful balance before you’ve got a beautiful project.” – Cathy Maready
“Not all projects are photo worthy.” – Cathy Maready
More About Cathy Maready:
Cathy has been practicing interior design since 1990 and is an Allied ASID member. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Chaminade University in Honolulu and graduated magna cum laude. After traveling the globe in her younger days, Cathy began an import business where she designed her own furniture and accessory line. Upon settling back into her home state of North Carolina, she opted for a more personal level of design where she could apply her creations to specific environments. Through Elephant Ears, her successful interior design business, a diverse client base has allowed Cathy to work on multi-level and multi-million dollar commercial and residential projects in both domestic and international arenas. Cathy also holds a commercial pilot license and loves animals. So, Pegasus would be her perfect ride.
Connect with Cathy Maready:
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2
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