What Level is Your Design Business?

Thom Sweeney: Sage Advice About Salesmanship And The Upside of Failure in Interior Design

Episode 642 of A Well-Designed Business®
642: Thom Sweeney: Sage Advice About Salesmanship And The Upside of Failure in Interior Design

Today with Thom Sweeney:

Welcome to A Well-Designed Business. Thom Sweeney’s unconventional path to interior design started after a 30-year career in advertising. Thom shares what brought him to design and how he lost his design business before rising again to build something even greater. He also has great advice on salesmanship and how to build meaningful relationships with clients.

Pick it apart:

[22:45] Thom and LuAnn discuss the importance of design that matches the client’s expectations

[34:18] Thom and LuAnn both shares their respective experiences navigating a failing business

[43:20] LuAnn suggest how to debrief after a failure

[46:49] Thom shares how critical sales skills are to a design business

[51:34] LuAnn shares her advice on sales

LuAnn and Thom Sweeney’s Ah-Ha moments:

“Nothing comes out of the huge failure if we don’t stand up again.” – LuAnn Nigara

“Are there any real, true failures?” – LuAnn Nigara

“Sales is creating a win-win.” – LuAnn NIgara

“Diversity in your client list is critical.” – Thom Sweeney

“You can never take that day you closed your doors and say, ‘I’m done’.” Thom Sweeney

Connect with Thom Sweeney:



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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action

Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts

Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2

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What Level is Your Design Business?