Power Talk Friday: Desi Creswell: How to Create More Time

Welcome to Power Talk Friday! We are delighted to introduce you to Desi Creswell today. Desi and LuAnn speak a lot of the same language! They both know that it takes more than just talent for you to be in a position to share your gift with the world because, as a designer, you need your business to be profitable. This could mean having to improve your systems, processes, or even your education to inspire you and enhance your natural aptitude. Also, the way we think often prevents us from sharing our superpowers because of our mindset problems and limiting beliefs get in the way. So we are very happy to be talking to Desi today because she is skilled and able to deal with many of these issues with the coaching she does. In today’s episode, she talks about how to create more time in your day by learning to identify the emotions you are trying to avoid. She explains how to eliminate feelings of being overwhelmed, clarifies how to take action, and she discusses emotions and how they hold us back. Desi also shares a fantastic exercise to help you create more time. Be sure to tune in to learn how to use this valuable tool.
Desi is a certified life and business coach who specializes in interior designers. She teaches her clients to become more profitable, productive, and confident while reducing the stress and overwhelming feelings that often comes with running your own business. Before turning thirty, Desi has already built two successful companies. She offers a unique blend of entrepreneurial expertise and effective mindset teachings. Desi is also an award-winning interior designer and her work has been featured both in print and online publications. She has been a guest presenter and panelist at events such as Midwest Home Design Week. Listen in today, to find out more.
Show Highlights:
- You can start creating more time by using a coaching tool called ‘The Model’ to become aware of your thinking and your feelings.
- Desi explains why it is important to understand what neutral facts are.
- Indulgent emotions; although they can sometimes feel justified or even productive, tend to keep people stuck because they don’t produce any results.
- You can create efficiency by simply changing the way you think.
- Setting a schedule that creates results and saves time.
- Desi describes how to create thoughts and feelings that will serve you.
- How a coach can help you to create new thoughts and beliefs.
- Desi discusses the way she works with her clients.
- Buffering is one of the ways that we tend to waste a lot of time. Desi explains what it is, how we use it to distract ourselves, and how we can overcome the urge to use it.
- Creating intentional models that serve you.
- Take a moment to think about the emotions that you usually try to avoid during the day.
- Learning to move out of the emotion and to see and accept the neutral facts.
- Desi shares an exercise to help you to marry your mindset with a strategy. (Start, Stop, Keep.)
- Start, stop, keep will give you some perspective for looking at what you want to start doing, in terms of planning for future projects.
- Desi has a free guide on her website that will be helpful for you to take this work a little further and implement it in your life.
- You can schedule a free mini-session with Desi. Go to her website to take advantage of this offer.
Instagram: Desi Creswell
Website: Desi Creswell
Link to download the free guide: Time And Profit
Previous show mentioned in this episode:
The activities you do when avoid doing what you know you should be doing. (hand up) I learned that my constant checking of emails is my buffering technique.