The Things I Learned From A Well-Designed Business
Welcome to Power Talk Friday!
LuAnn has a special announcement to make on the show today. As most of you know, her second book, The Things I Learned From A Well-Designed Business, is coming out soon. It was initially going to be released in February next year, but this has changed. On the show today LuAnn explains why the plans have changed and she talks about the big event, LuAnn Nigara Live, It’s About The Conversation, that has been planned instead, for the launch of the book on the 30th of March. She also explains what the book will be like, and the kind of information you can expect to find in it. Listen in to find out all about the really remarkable event that LuAnn has planned.
LuAnn invited twelve of the Power Talk Friday experts to collaborate with her in creating a go-to book to run your interior design business. She invited each of them to write a chapter for the book about their specific zone of genius. The book is full of really useful information for interior designers about attracting luxury clientele, creating a design process, charging what you’re worth, building an exceptional team, defining your brand, and much, much more. Listen in to find out more!
Show highlights:
- The kind of information that you will find in the book.
- At the beginning and end of every chapter, LuAnn will do an intro and outro, just like she does on the show.
- The twelve experts, that LuAnn invited to write a chapter each, for the book.
- Our birthday party will be happening at the Kravet showroom, at the D and D Building in New York City, on the 5th of February 2019.
- About the Power Talk Friday Tour.
- Doing a thorough analysis of every project, after completion.
- LuAnn talks about the planned launch for her book in March.
- Thinking about ways to make the Power Talk Friday Tours a really amazing experience.
- On March 30th, 31st, and April 1st, 2019, at the Hilton in Short Hills, New Jersey, LuAnn will be gathering all twelve of her co-authors to do live discussions.
- In addition to the twelve experts, LuAnn has also invited twelve savvy interior design principals that have appeared on the podcast.
- The insane, intense, invigorating, and absolutely amazing book launch event that has been planned.
- The ticket price, and what the VIP experience is all about.
- Why the third day will be limited to only 50 or 75 designers.
- LuAnn is bringing the exact podcast format to her live event.
- Some of the incredible designers that have already committed to being at the event.
- You can get onto LuAnn’s email list by texting 444999 and putting design biz into the field.
- You can get early bird tickets for the event for only $395 from today until January 8th. After that, the price will go up to $595. (The VIP ticket is $200 extra.) If you sign up between December 21st and January 8th, your name will go into a draw to win a one-on-one coaching session with LuAnn, her husband, Vince, or one of the co-authors of the book.
- About the VIP experience. (Go back and listen to episode #14 with Malene B)
- Why LuAnn invites the sponsors to be part of the VIP experience.
The twelve experts who each wrote a chapter for the book:
Fred Berns, Sarah Danielle, Nancy Ganzekaufer, Eileen Hahn, Nicole Heymer, Claire Jefford, Peter Lang, Marc McDonough, Stacy Brown Randall, Shawna Lynne Simon, Kaye Whittaker, and Michelle Williams
Some of the sponsors that are supporting the event are:
Designer Inc.
MyDoma Studio
Wingnut Social
Schwartz Design Showroom
Previous shows mentioned in this episode:
Luann’s website, to sign up for the event: Luann Live