Jane Cunningham- Why Defining Your Core Values Helps Grow Your Interior Design Business

The guest on today’s show is Jane Cunningham, the President, Principal Designer and CEO of Room Resolutions. Interestingly, Jane is also a classically trained musician- she used to be the Principal Clarinettist in the Honolulu Symphony. Jane describes how she is particularly skilled at finding her way through the intimacy of the second movement of a musical piece. LuAnn learned from Jane’s website how Jane sees the second movement in music in correlation to the journey we have in our lives, seeking a different tempo in the second half, or sometimes even changing the theme, or using a different key. That got LuAnn thinking about Fred Berns (#174) and she found it interesting that Jane not only knows what her ‘only’ is, but she has it right there, on her website! Listen in and find out how Jane’s skill as a classically trained musician and her specific talent for the second movement inform her both as an individual and as a Designer.
Room Resolutions is a luxury Interior Design Firm, which is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, specializing in large scale residential and commercial renovation, as well as new builds. Jane runs Room Resolutions together with her daughter, Amanda, who is the firm’s Design Manager. Amanda is responsible for educating the clients about the scope, the specifications and the details of the selections in the projects, from vendor relationships, procurement and expediting, to total Project Management, including the overseeing of the tradesmen and craftsmen. She also manages all the Social Media and website tasks. Sounds like a busy lady! Listen in now to find out more about the awesome firm that these two ladies run together!
Today, Jane and LuAnn discuss:
- The 12 Core Values of her Company, that Jane has listed on her website.
- How Jane arrived at her Core Values.
- The value of being clear about who you are and what you want to convey to your clients.
- The more that people get to know who you are, the more you can stand out.
- That for Jane, there has to be an in-depth relationship with her clients, which starts with her being intrinsically honest about who she really is.
- Vulnerability- how it works for Jane in getting people to know who she really is.
- What Jane means by ‘Champagne Professionals’.
- How Jane’s firm keeps everything in really detailed and systemized order.
- Making sure that the communication is really clear when working on a project, by setting everything up in advance.
- Jane’s process of avoiding glitches in the Designer world.
- Dealing effectively with changes, with clear communication.
- How Jane handles with her client communication, by corralling them in the beginning.
- How Jane ascertains if a client is right for her firm.
- Two questions that you could ask your potential clients, to tell you a lot about them.
Some amazing things about Amanda!