What Would Lu Do? LuAnn Answers Listener Questions

Welcome to A Well-Designed Business, it’s time for another episode of “What Would Lu Do?” where you ask the questions and LuAnn helps out with the answers.
Today’s question comes from listener Amanda, who has lost a couple of jobs due to the costs of freight and taxes outside of a client’s budget.
Listen in as LuAnn digs into the details, susses out the situation, and lays out her reasoning on the resolutions.
If you are not working with a coach or perhaps you don’t have a business mentor or business bestie to provide guidance, this is the perfect opportunity to email LuAnn the burning issues that you need insight on and she’ll answer them on air. Please send your questions to luannnigara.com/wwld!
Show Highlights:
- LuAnn shares listener Amanda’s detailed email.
- Nearly the exact same thing happened to Sara Brennan last year.
- You must remember that you are the professional in the room.
- Ask clarifying questions and provide your client with the information on how your business is run so that they can make a truly informed decision.
- LuAnn provides an example of how to manage future budget discussions.
- It’s all about the clarity and agreements upfront, when no emotion is attached.
- LuAnn goes into more details about Sara Brennan’s similar experience.
- This doesn’t have to be hard, and it doesn’t have to be adversarial, but it does have to be discussed and agreed upon before you get to invoicing. Remember, no surprises and you’ll be fine!
Links / Resources:
LuAnn’s Website
LuAnn’s Podcast – Please SUBSCRIBE, Rate & Review!
Purchase LuAnn’s Books Here:
The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
LuAnn’s Blog
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