What is the Power Talk Friday Tour?

We’re bringing you this extra little episode of A Well-Designed Business today because, over the past months, many of you have told LuAnn that you don’t know what the Power Talk Friday Tour is. And a number of you have expressed just how much you need it, after finding out what it’s all about. In light of this, LuAnn decided to take some time to explain exactly what the Power Talk Friday Tour is. Tune in now, to find out!
Over the nearly forty years that LuAnn has been in business, she’s learned a lot about creating a successful business from the deeper conversations she’s had with other business owners. Almost every other owner of a thriving business that she’s spoken to has had some or other sort of business coaching throughout their career. This is why LuAnn believes in business coaches and business coaching. And why she believes in business mentors and mentees, and business besties. In today’s episode, she defines each of these roles, and she explains how all of this ties into the Power Talk Friday Tour. Listen in today, to find out what the Power Talk Friday Tour is, and how it happened.
Show highlights:
- How the Power Talk Friday Tour happened.
- One-on-one business coaching is at the top of the food chain but not everyone can afford it.
- Sometimes you need someone to help you implement the new things you’ve learned about.
- Perhaps you just need someone to talk to about a new idea you’ve had for your business.
- LuAnn has selected the coaches that she respects and admires for the Tours, and she rotates them for each Tour.
- Why the PTF Tour is enough of an investment to make you think.
- Most of the experts typically charge between $400 and $700 per hour for one-on-one coaching.
- The conversations will be geared to hit the points that are relevant to everyone in the room.
- There will be small, round-table discussions with the experts after lunch. If the group is really small, you might even get a one-on-one.
- This event is small for a very good reason.
- Every single tour is different.
- The day always ends with a celebration dinner!
To find information about the next tour that’s coming up, go to http://www.powertalkfriday.com.
If you’d like to find out if the Power Talk Friday Tour is right for you at this time, email LuAnn at info@luannnigara.com, put Power Talk Friday Tour in the subject line, leave your phone number, and LuAnn will call you within 24 hours.
Thank you to MyDoma Studio and Revel Woods for committing to sponsor every Power Talk Friday Tour!