Power Talk Friday: LuAnn Nigara: You Made A Mistake. Now What?

Welcome to Power Talk Friday! Today, we’re talking about when things go wrong and how to fix them. If you’d like your business to be really successful, with loyal, long-term clients who keep coming back year after year, you have to differentiate yourself from the rest. There are two kinds of situations where you can make this happen if you’re willing to conduct yourself in the way that LuAnn advises and if you’re willing to spend the time perfecting the necessary skills to do so. Listen in today, to learn what LuAnn has to teach you about what to do when you’ve made a mistake.
Sometimes, your client isn’t happy with an outcome. You see their point and you agree, however, you can also see that the solution is going to be expensive for you, either in terms of time or money. So you might feel that you can’t afford to fix it. The truth is, however, that you cannot afford not to fix it. Because good news travels fast and bad news travels even faster- and further. Tune in now to find out what LuAnn has to share about what to do when something goes wrong.
Show Highlights:
- LuAnn describes a typical scenario of something going wrong.
- Often, we worry that if we tell a client that we’ve made a mistake we will be at a disadvantage with them because it could cost us money or our expertise could be questioned.
- Why you’re not fooling anybody by pretending.
- When you price your projects properly you will have the money to clean things up if you need to.
- If it really is your mistake, just say so. It’s important to acknowledge what your client is feeling.
- Mistakes are going to happen. So at the start of a project, explain to your client how you take care of mistakes.
- The first thing is to acknowledge your mistake, and the second thing is to own it. Then you tell your client what the solution is.
- When it’s okay, and when it’s not, to charge your client for the mistake.
- Listen to your inner voice.
- Listen carefully and be real with your client.
- Don’t ignore a problem.
- Don’t be afraid to ask your client what will make them happy.
- You will know when your client isn’t happy, so ask them about it. It will be okay.
- Next week, we will talk about what to do when there’s a problem, but there isn’t really a problem. But you still have a problem because you have to fix it.
- LuAnn talks about the group sales coaching course that she has decided to run.
- LuAnn gives some details about the group sales coaching course and she talks about the topics that she will be covering.
To find out about LuAnn’s group sales coaching course, head over to
Sales for Creatives – (The page will be live on Tuesday, 5/21!)
To get onto LuAnn’s email list, text the word designbiz to 444999.