Misty Maxey: Niching, Coaching and Pushing Through Fear

Welcome to today’s episode! We have Misty Maxey, the Bachelor Pad Designer, on the show with us today. Misty has decided to fully niche her business into designing strictly for bachelors. After spending some time doing hobby designing, she finally made the decision to get serious and look for the help she needed to learn the difference between a hobby and a business. On the show today, she explains how she knew that she had to reach out to coaches and other accomplished designers, in order to be successful. Misty really understands that by pushing through fear and doing things that scare you, you level up and make things happen. She really has her eyes wide open, and her website, (Misty Maxey) with its clear and authentic copy, describes very distinctly what she does, how she does it, and who she does it for. Listen in today, to hear what Misty has to share about the really intentional way she set up her business.
Misty Maxey has always loved interior design. With two artistic parents, her creative path was written in the stars. Always seeking to grow in her knowledge and understanding of the interior design field, she regularly sought out the experience from successful designers.
With knowledge and life experiences forming her understanding of the importance of interior design, she opened her business with the goal of inspiring bachelors to live their best life ever by co-creating their home that reflects who they are and to become.
As a survivor of domestic violence, Misty regularly gives back by providing complimentary design services to survivors and their families. This restores dignity and gives back to her community. Tune in now, for more!
Show highlights:
- Misty’s website is really clear and specific about what she does.
- Tapping into the metrosexual market in Portland.
- Misty explains why she likes to work with bachelors.
- The underlying message in Misty’s approach to interior design.
- Guys like to have their outdoor hobbies reflected in their home.
- Misty honors the way the guys she designs for like to live.
- Letting her clients know in a really fun way that they will be making an investment.
- How Misty learned that guys are comfortable talking about money and business.
- Transparency and communication are the two main things for Misty.
- What transparency means for Misty.
- Where Misty sources her products.
- The retail markup that Misty adds to her products.
- Misty explains where her money is coming from.
- The different packages that Misty offers.
- Misty’s way of dealing with damaged deliveries.
- Misty hired the services of a market research company in Portland.
- Misty talks about the business coaches she has worked with.
- The book, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, really helped Misty push past her fear.
Website: Misty Maxey
Instagram: Misty Maxey Designs
Pinterest: Misty Maxey
Twitter: Misty Maxey
Books mentioned:
Do the Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way by Steven Pressfield
The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield