Power Talk Friday: Julie Broad: Write a Book to Market Your Interior Design Business

Welcome to Power Talk Friday! As most of you know, on Fridays LuAnn talks to people, from any industry, who can share something with us that will enhance, grow, or make our business or personal lives make sense. Today we are very happy to have Julie Broad, an Amazon Overall Number 1 Best-Selling Author, join us on the show. Julie has a background in real estate and in branding. Having generated over six figures in revenue from her book sales alone, she now teaches authors how to build their brand and boost their business through her new company, Book Launchers.Com. Listen in today to find out how Julie could help you make a bigger impact with your interior design business by writing, publishing, and selling a top-quality book.
Julie was born in Canada. She grew up in rural Alberta in a house attached to a 20 room Motel. Collecting the pop cans and beer bottles from the motel rooms, she used the money to invest in gold stocks which she used to pay for her first year of undergraduate education. When it was time to do her MBA, she used her savings to buy investment properties instead of fund her education. Student loans paid for school, and then the seven properties she owned by the end of her MBA paid off her student loans. Julie continued to apply the entrepreneurial lessons she learned from her parents (not her MBA, because that degree was pointless) as she grew her real estate portfolio, launched a real estate training and education company, and began to write books. She became an Amazon Overall Number 1 Best Selling Author, an International Book Award Winner, and recipient of the Beverly Hills Book Award for Best Sales book. Listen in to find out how Julie helps people achieve their goals.
Show highlights:
- The benefits of self-publishing.
- Producing a book to give clients will really benefit small business owners or designers.
- Producing a book really demonstrates that you’re an expert in your field and it can earn you tons of media as well!
- How much content has to be in your book for Amazon to sell it and provide you with printed copies of it.
- You can increase the content of your book by spacing it out and filling it in with pictures.
- How getting some assistance with structure, from someone like Julie, can really help to bring out of you what you already know.
- Friends and family probably won’t tell you if your ideas really suck.
- The ways that Julie helps people position their book to appeal to their ideal reader.
- Putting your own flair into ordinary things.
- Some things to help you get to the heart of your brand.
- Some mistakes people make in communication that deludes their message.
- A tip about body language to help you become more confident.
- With self-publishing, it’s 100% your book.
Website: Book Launchers
YouTube: Julie Broad
Facebook: Book Launchers
Instagram: @juliebroad @booklaunchers
Twitter: Book Launchers