Power Talk Friday: Jane Stoller: Organizing Your Business and Your Life

Welcome to Power talk Friday! Today we’re talking organization and we’re really happy to introduce you to our guest, Jane Stolly. Jane is a Lifebizz Organizer, author and university Instructor who found her passion in decluttering spaces, business processes, and closets. The Structure Strategist loves to help companies and individuals getting more organized. Pretty impressive, right! Listen to today’s episode to find out more!
Where Jane’s organizing knack comes from? She believes it must be her Swiss roots. Jane’s love for organizing began when she was six years old: As a young girl she was often found happily lining up her cats by size, her stuffed animals by color, her books by publication date. What makes Jane’s organizing approach unique is her holistic method. She starts redefining your office and continues at your home – or vice versa. The end results of her seminars, coaching and/or consultations? Reduced stress, increased happiness and productivity. “Organizing is a lifestyle, that will help you conquering anything.”Jane strongly believes that custom-tailored organizing systems and routines will massively enhance your work and life. By now, she did not only convince numerous friends and her family but also various clients of this mantra. Listen to today’s show to hear Jane’s awesome advice!
Show highlights:
- Learn how to makeover your home or business!
- Declutter your home and your life to reduce stress.
- Make your system work for your lifestyle.
- Learn how to set things up so that you make the most of your time.
- Learn how Jane’s passion of organizing evolved to a different level of helping clients organizing their businesses with sustainable systems.
- Reaching out for help with organization is crucial for individual and personal growth.
- Learn how valuable “outside eyes” looking at your business can be.
- Re-organizing your business systems or marketing can save you time and money.
- Jane shares how to look at physical things from a different perspective.
- Organizing your priorities can save you time.
- Learn the importance of starting small when organizing.
- Jane shares how she markets her business outside her circle of influence.
- Jane shares how she overcomes fear in her own business.
- Jane shares how she has time to help others pursue their dream businesses.
- LuAnn encourages designers who are thinking of starting their own businesses to realize they have a lot to offer others and to get started.
Order your copy of Organizing for Your Lifestyle: Adaptable Inspirations from Socks to Suitcases is Jane’s book.
Website: Organizing for Your Lifestyle
Instagram: Organized Jane Stoller
Facebook: Organizing Jane
Twitter: Organizing Jane
Linkedin: Jane Stoller