Carol Cox of Speaking Your Brand- How To Be a Great Panelist

Welcome to today’s episode of Power Talk Friday! We have Carol Cox with us today and she’s the founder of Speaking Your Brand. She’s also LuAnn’s speaking coach and LuAnn really adores her- especially for her skillful way of assisting her to pull the right content together, in order to craft a captivating and cohesive speech. On the show today Carol explains what you really need to be thinking about, and the best tactics to use if you’re not yet that well-known and you’re going to be taking part a panel discussion. Listen in to find out about ways to really connect with an audience.
Speaking Your Brand helps high-performing and purpose-driven women entrepreneurs and professionals to shape their businesses and personal brands, share their message, and become recognized as influencers in their field. Carol is a sought-after presenter and trainer on public speaking, branding, and leadership for women. She’s also a podcaster and a TEDx speaker. Carol teaches classes in business and marketing at a university and she serves as a political analyst on TV news during election seasons. She is based in Orlando Florida and she works with her clients both locally and virtually around the world. Listen in today to find out what Carol has to share about public speaking and really engaging with your audience.
Show Highlights:
- How to be a really great panelist.
- What a moderator could do to keep the conversation flowing if someone is dominating a panel discussion.
- What you can do if you’re a panelist and someone on the panel is really monopolizing the conversation.
- Setting the ground rules ahead of time.
- What you need to prepare beforehand if you’re going to be a panelist.
- Using emotion to create a really engaging story.
- Giving careful thought to the meaningful content that you’re going to be talking about.
- Tips for being gracious and complimenting others authentically when you’re in a panel discussion.
- Ways that you can bond with the other panelists, before the discussion.
- Taking the opportunity to network with the other panelists.
- Why you should give the moderator your own printed introduction before the discussion.
- Creating the very best pitch for yourself.
- Checking the room out beforehand, prior to the panel discussion.
- Ways to alleviate any nervousness you may feel before the discussion.
- Ways of getting the audience to relate to you.
- Remember that the more you do it, the better you will get.
Check out the Speaking Your Brand Podcast
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