Warren Pearl- LeFroy Brooks -The Rolls Royce of Plumbing Fixtures

Today we are very happy to have Warren Pearl, the president of Lefroy Brooks, as our guest on the show. If you are a regular listener you may already know that Mr. Pearl has invited us to celebrate our second year birthday of the podcast on 21st of February, at his New York City showroom! Listen in today to get the details.
Lefroy Brooks has been in business for the last twenty-five years and they have showrooms in Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago. They are known as the Rolls Royce of bathroom and plumbing fixtures and on the show today you will hear how and why they got this name. Lefroy Brooks create plumbing fixtures who’s design would compliment any decor, from any era, from early 20th century all the way to the end. Cooper and Graham take it from there, with their elegant and forward-thinking designs for the 21st century. In addition to having a really outstanding line of plumbing fixtures which are renown for their superior quality, Lefroy Brooks are a company who really believe in and support interior designers with their education and customer service. Listen in today to find out what Mr. Pearl has to share with you.
Show highlights:
- What earned Lefroy Brooks their reputation as the Rolls Royce of the plumbing fixtures industry.
- The philosophy behind the Lefroy Brooks product.
- How Lefroy Brooks became known as the Rolls Royce of bathroom and plumbing fixtures.
- The selection of 21stcentury designs that can be accessed through Cooper & Graham.
- Some really awesome and interesting background info about Warren Pearl and the really famous people that he has dealt with.
- The special kind of customer service that Lefroy Brooks provides to the trade.
- The role of interior designers in Mr. Pearl’s vision for Cooper & Graham.
- Why interior designers who haven’t yet broken into the high end, luxury market should not be intimidated by the Cooper & Graham product line.
- The CEU’s that Lefroy Brooks provide for interior designers.
- The fantastic new plumbing technology that’s coming up in the future for Cooper & Graham.
- The classic elegance and authenticity of the Lefroy Brooks fixtures.
- The unique way that Lefroy Brooks approach their marketing.
- About the different Lefroy Brooks classic collections, many of which were designed in the 1940’s.
- The Lefroy Brooks presence, outside of the USA.
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