Nancy Ganzekaufer- A Powerful Strategy to Attract More Clients

Welcome to Power Talk Friday! We have Nancy Ganzekaufer with us today and if you’re a new listener to the show and you’re not familiar with her, she has already been on the show twice before, first on episode #15, where she spoke about Niche Markets and then again, on episode #159, where she had a very actionable conversation with LuAnn about getting clear and confident about who you are and what you offer. Today we are going to be talking about your business, in words. This will be the kind of show where you may want to take down some notes, so please have your pen and paper ready. Then, listen in, to find out about a fantastic, non-salesy way of having people really want to work with you.
Nancy and LuAnn are eight weeks through their fantastic ten weeks Premiere Online Coaching Program, Money, Mindset, And Sales, with an awesome group of people, who are all working really hard, to get themselves to the next level. So far it’s been really interesting and also very rewarding and because this Program has been such an all-round success, they have decided to do it again, so they will be launching their new program, Six Weeks To Success, in January. Listen in to find out more.
Nancy has developed a powerful step by step exercise called Your Business in Words. She guides you in crafting the perfect description of your values, your interior design services and your process all with the goal of attracting more of your ideal client to you. If you have ever struggled with networking, promoting yourself or just need a proven way to make a memorable introduction of yourself, Nancy has the answer for you.
Show highlights:
- Nancy takes you, step by step, through what their Six Weeks To Success Program, starting on January the 4th, will include. Go to to get the details. Registration is open!
- Nancy’s take on the six clear and actionable steps that LuAnn and her husband do for their business, every year in January, or at any time that they’re ready to start something new.
- Really understanding what it is that you do, in your business.
- Nancy explains her business, in words.
- The goal of having your business, in words.
- An exercise to help you to put your business into words. (You can go to for Nancy’s free, twenty-minute webinar, to walk you through this process.)
- Being who you are, and not who you think people want to hear that you are.
- Adjectives to help you to get past the obvious traits that most Designers are going to bring to the table.
- Identifying your ideal client and also, the particular problem that you help them to solve.
- Using directed sentences, to describe your particular uniqueness, in your line of business.
- Explaining how people can work with you.
- Saying what the flow of your process is.
- Saying what your consultations consist of.
- How to add the enthusiasm for your last sentence.
- Becoming attractive by showing your passion.
- The more information that you give to people, the more relatable points they will have, to really connect with you.
- When it would be appropriate to use your description of your business in words.
Resources: Sign up for Six Weeks to Success –
Grab Nancy’s Freebie – Your Business in Words at
Nancy’s website
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