Michelle Woeller – Re-Building Your Design Firm in a New Community

Welcome to today’s show! We have Michelle Woeller as our guest and today she will be talking to us about how to build a new client base, after relocating to a new area. Michelle and her family relocated to Cape Cod about a year ago and today she discusses what she had to do in her new community, and the strategies she employed, to get her Interior Design firm off the ground there. Listen in now, to get some awesome tips from Michelle.
Michelle graduated from Seattle Pacific University with a degree in Fashion Buying and Merchandising and she also studied Interior Design at the same university. After a career in Retail Settings and Product Design, she took some time off, to focus her attention on raising her children. Then, in 2006, she became the lead Designer for her husband’s Landscaping Company, where she and her husband collaborated in the designing of outdoor spaces for both residential and commercial properties. In 2013, Michelle launched Summerland Homes And Gardens, a Design Studio dedicated to beautiful design, for both indoor and outdoor spaces. Then, in the summer of 2016, Michelle and her family decided to move to Cape Cod, so now Michelle works with Cape Cod home owners, to transform their homes and capture the wonder of seaside living. Listen in to find out how Michelle built up her client base, in this new location.
Show highlights:
- What it was like for Michelle, to find her feet in a new area.
- How Michelle did her marketing, found new vendors and formed a network, in her new area.
- The challenge of finding new clients in an area where most people only live for part of the year.
- How much Michelle’s business increased over a four year period, due to paid marketing.
- The whole real life process that Michelle went through and how it felt for her, to identify and reach out to the Architects and Builders in her new area.
- The importance of not taking things personally.
- The value of reaching out to some people who are not directly involved in your industry.
- Weathering the off-season in Cape Cod.
- Michelle and her husband’s experience of attending a three day Ten X Growth Conference Event in Miami.
- Some of the things that Michelle learned at the Ten X Growth Conference.
- Michelle’s practice of starting each day with positivity, to put everything into the right perspective.
- The way that Michelle and her husband collaborate with their businesses.
- What the operational side of Michelle’s business looks like.
- Michelle’s dilemma of which direction to take her business and whether or not to expand it.
- How Brittanie Elms has really helped Michelle. (Go back and listen to episode #149 to find out more about Brittanie.)
- Michelle shares about what it was like for her, working with her husband.
http://summerlandhomesandgardens.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Summerland-Homes-Gardens-660101854019470/ https://www.instagram.com/ellesummerland/
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