Face Book Coaching Sessions: FBLive w/ Jessica Brace

We have Jessica Brace with us as our guest on today’s Power Talk Friday. LuAnn is very appreciative and happy to have her on the show, because she’s really well sought after in podcasting circles, due to her expertise in Internet and Video Marketing. LuAnn has also enjoyed several other podcast episodes, where Jessica was the featured guest, talking about Facebook Live. So listen in, as Jessica shares some of her expertise about Facebook Live with you, today.
We’re doing a whole series about Facebook Live on the show and statistics have been mentioned by more than a few of the guests recently, that by around 2020, approximately eighty percent of all social media will be done by video. We also know from others in the Design Industry, about how important Facebook Live, Instagram, and Snapchat have become. LuAnn finds Facebook Live to be a particular conundrum though, because, on the one hand, she sees it as a great platform for our really visual Industry, however, on the other hand, Designers do tend to struggle a bit with the mechanics of how to do it and sometimes even with the content. So listen in, as Jessica sheds some light on how to get going with Facebook Live and how to keep going, from there.
Show highlights:
- Jessica starts off by explaining what Facebook Live really is and also, why you should consider doing it.
- The two types of video that Jessica uses for Facebook Live.
- When you would use either pop-ups or pre-planned video content on your Facebook Live.
- The difference between the videos on Youtube and those on Facebook Live.
- Why consistency is key, with Facebook Live.
- A strategy that works really well, with Facebook comments.
- The best way to get people to share your Facebook content.
- How to go about doing your Facebook Live and what you’ll need, in order to do it.
- Writing a compelling headline, which is key to getting people to watch your FB Live.
- Introducing yourself, on your video.
- How FB Live videos are automatically embedded on other social media platforms, to reach a really huge audience.
- Why it’s okay for your videos to be casual and relaxed.
- What to share, on your FB Live video.
- The fun things that you can do with your Facebook Video Library.
- Uploading captions on your video.
- There is an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for getting everything done on FB Live.
- How the transcripts for FB Live work.
- Why perfection is really the lowest standard!
- The fun things you can do to educate your audience, with Facebook Live.
- Jessica’s Genius Extraction on Facebook Live.
- Building momentum, in order to become established on FB Live.
- The programs and freebies that Jessica has to offer, on her website.
- Go to facebook.com/groups/shebroadcasts for Jessica’s group She Broadcasts.
Give away for listeners: Free FB Live Cheat Sheet: http://purplemermaidstudios.com her email: jessicabracevideo@gmail.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-brace-56858b13b/ Her FaceBook Group: She Broadcasts https://www.facebook.com/groups/shebroadcasts/?ref=br_rs