Power Talk Friday: Acuity Scheduling – Gavin Zuchlinski On How Scheduling Helps Organize Your Interior Design Firm

Welcome to another Power Talk Friday! Today we are very happy to have Gavin Zuchlinski on the show. He is the founder of Acuity Scheduling, which is the slickest way for businesses to automate and manage their appointments online because it actually allows your clients to schedule themselves. LuAnn has an inkling that the features of Acuity Scheduling may be even better than the one she’s using, so she may be switching over… Listen in to find out more.
Gavin is a self-professed Tech Geek and an Espresso maniac, and he’s also a really fun guy who truly and wholeheartedly believes that business should be fun. Acuity Scheduling currently supports over fifty thousand businesses, all of the different sizes, from solo-preneures to major corporations with thousands of employees. They have a really efficient Customer Service Department and their focus is on making life way easier for entrepreneurs and business owners. Listen in now to find out how Acuity Services could make your life much easier and help you run your business.
Show highlights:
- Gavin explains what his company does, to help you to run your business.
- How you can customise this service to suit your specific requirements.
- How this service can really help you to be prepared and allow you to be more efficient.
- Gavin discusses the different ways that you could use this service.
- You could even embed Acuity on your website.
- How a potential client could actually schedule an appointment with you, online.
- How the service can make it easier for you to connect with potential clients and coordinate appointment times.
- About forty percent of all appointments are booked after hours when businesses are already closed for the day.
- How this service can help you to follow through with a potential client and convert.
- Even if you don’t yet have a website, you can still use this service.
- You can even filter different kinds of requests for appointments to different parts of your calendar.
- How to set up and manage different appointment types.
- Getting reminder emails for your appointments.
- The monthly charges for the various services.
- What you can get from Acuity Scheduling, absolutely free.
- How you could give gift certificates via this service.
- You can customise this service with your own logos.
- Gavin explains how he initially came up with this service, to help his Mom.
- The six-hour work days for Gavin’s Customer Support teams.
If you’d like to try Acuity out, go to http://www.acuityscheduling.com/luann for an extended 45-day trial. (It’s normally only for 14 days.)
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