Shea McGee of Studio McGee Joins Me Today!!!!

LuAnn is extremely happy to let you know that she has Shea McGee, of Studio McGee, in the house today! It’s been a long time coming, as she’s a very busy lady, but she’s here today, and you are not going to be disappointed, so listen in to find out about the journey that Shea’s been on and the challenges she’s faced.
If you’re one of the few people who are not familiar with Shea, LuAnn assures you that she and her husband, Sid, truly are the real deal! They are the creators of Studio McGee and today you will hear how Shea realized, only after obtaining her degree in Public Relations, that what she really wanted, was to be doing Design, so she went back to school, to learn how to do that. Soon after, Shea found that she was attracting more projects than she’d ever before thought possible. She and Sid realized that with his business experience and her creative vision, they would really make an amazing team. So they decided to sell their home in California and move to Utah, where they put all their life savings on the line and started a business. Shea used the power of Instagram to grow the business and now, just less than three years later, they have over five hundred and forty thousand Instagram followers, a team of thirty, two multi-million dollar businesses (Studio McGee and McGee and Company) and they have projects all over the country. Listen in today and find out how Shea and Sid manage to run their operation and their family and also, the pro’s and con’s of working with a spouse.
Show highlights:
- Shea explains how they have managed to get such great results, in such a short time.
- How Shea and her husband manage their hectic work schedules and still find time to spend together, as a couple and to be parents to their two little girls.
- The growing pains that Shea and Sid experienced, early on in their business, before they found their ideal way of working together.
- The real importance of separating the roles of each spouse, in a business partnership.
- Why you really need to sort out your personal dynamics, as a couple, before entering into a business relationship.
- Some ways to create the necessary balance within your business. You don’t have to do everything yourself!
- Ways to divide up the different responsibilities, within a business.
- Shea gives the backstory behind their really successful businesses.
- How Shea stretched her content, to tell her story on Instagram when she first started out.
- Why they made the move from California to Utah.
- Shea talks about the initial dream that she and her husband shared, for their business.
- Shea’s advice for Designers wanting to step up above the noise, with Instagram.
- Some tips to take a good and well-styled photo- one that stands out from the rest, in order to create a really great vignette.
- How Shea creates her content for Instagram now, as compared with when she first started out.
- Shea explains her strategic way of growing her Instagram following.
- How Shea manages to keep up with the engagement on Instagram, with their really huge number of followers.
- Where Shea draws her design inspiration from.
Shea’s website: