Power Talk Friday: Madalyn Sklar: How to Use Twitter for Your Interior Design Business

The guest for today’s Power Talk Friday is a really special force to be reckoned with!
She’s is also the very first guest to be talking about Twitter on the show! Madalyn Sklar is a Business Coach, Consultant, and Twitter Marketing Expert. Other than being an expert on Twitter, she’s the host of #Twitter Smarter Twitter Chat and Podcast. She has the weekly #Social ROI Chat, she blogs and she creates courses and also speaks and teaches courses at Madalyn Sklar.com. Listen to getting some awesome advice about marketing with Twitter from Madalyn.
Madalyn, who really has some visionary skills, is known for being the Number One Social Media Influencer in Houston, a city which has a population of two million people. She has been blogging since 2000 and she’s been founding online communities since 1996 when the internet was new and she saw it as a really great way to connect people. Listen in now, as LuAnn interviews Madalyn, someone who really has the knack of being an early adopter of all things tech!
Show highlights:
- Why you really should care about Twitter.
- Engaging is really where the magic is, with Social Media.
- Get on Twitter and listen to where the conversation is.
- Madalyn’s Twitter Secret Sauce– to help you to start meeting people and enjoying Twitter.
- Create a Twitter List, either public or private- it’s really a great way to organize.
- Twitter Chats– #an awesome way to make connections with people.
- Using Twitter Chats to get your business seen and heard.
- Creating a really effective and clear Twitter profile.
- You can boost your bio with a bit.ly link.
- A great tip to check the traffic to your Twitter profile- you may be in for a big surprise!
- Why a Pen Tweet really is such a great idea to build your hash tag following.
- Go to Madalyn’s Twitter Smarter Twitter Chat and podcast, to learn more about Twitter.
Madalyn’s website: http://www.madalynsklar.com
Go to http://www.madalynsklar.com/chatlist to get to a page with a variety of charts that you can look through.
The best place to meet Madalyn – is on Twitter! #madalynsklar