Power Talk Friday: Dorien Morin-van Dam- How to Get Through the Fear of Doing Video
The guest on today’s Power Talk Friday is Dorien Morin-van Dam!
He is the Owner and Social-Media Consultant with More In Media, which is located in sunny Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Dorien helps Small Businesses Owners with their strategies, planning, and execution, around Social Media. Listen in to find out more about Dorien and what she has to share, to help Small Business Owners with their Video Marketing on Social Media.
Dorien is a Coach and Trainer, who concentrates on Video Marketing and Social Media Management. She particularly enjoys working with Video Coaching and helping people to overcome their fear of the camera. This is something that she runs into all the time, with local clients and Small Business owners who really need to be on camera, yet have real fear around doing that. Dorien has found that here is such a great need for this right now, with Video Marketing being so popular, that she is also busy writing a book about it. Dorien, who’s a Mom with four teens and three dogs, loves to run marathons and cook and eat vegan food. She also really enjoys teaching, blogging and speaking about Social Media. Listen in now, to find out more about how Dorien helps people to overcome their fears about appearing in front of a camera.
Today, Dorien talks to LuAnn about:
- The fear that so many people experience, of appearing on camera.
- That there really is an easy way to overcome that fear.
- That although she has no fear of the camera, she did have another extreme fear, through which she developed the necessary empathy to help others to overcome their fears around cameras.
- The story about her epiphany- which enabled her to overcome her own fear and help others to do the same.
- How she helps people to get ready to appear in front of the camera.
- A new acronym for FEAR- that, instead of Fearing Everything And Running, you can learn to Face Everything And R
- The Rise of Video in Social Media and the tremendous opportunities that it can bring for you, with this year being The Year Of The Live Video in Social Media.
- The fantastic new developments coming up on Facebook, for Virtual Reality Meetings.
- That the reach of a video is so much greater than either using pictures, or text.
- Facebook Live- how it’s pushing Video and where it’s going.
- Why Dorien thinks that you can’t fail with Video- if you go through her process.
- Low-cost ways of creating Videos.
- Replacing your fear of how you look with a love for your brand.
- The more you watch yourself on video, the more you get over your fear of it.
- Really awesome tips for creating really great, confident videos of yourself, before going live on Facebook.
- Being authentic, to better connect with people on video.
- How to catch people’s eye in the first few seconds, with your video.
- Some ideas for you to use, to market yourself with video.
- Using what’s going on around you currently, as a topic for your video.
- Creating great content for your videos.
- How to straddle the fine line between oversharing and too little content on your video.
- Re-purposing your content, for great results.
Dorien’s book, No Fear Video, which will be coming out later this year.
Dorien’s website: http://www.moreinmedia.com