What Level is Your Design Business?

Manuella Moreira- Co-Lead Designer at Ethan Allen Flatiron NYC is a Millennial on the Move

Episode 199 of A Well-Designed Business®
199: Manuella Moreira- Co-Lead Designer at Ethan Allen Flatiron NYC is a Millennial on the Move

Today’s guest is Manuella Moreira, one of LuAnn’s long time early listeners to the show!

In May, there was a big event at the insanely gorgeous Ethan Allen Showroom in New York City, where Manuella works with Barbara Viteri, the Designerlebrity.  You can go back and listen to the audio of that show (#185), or you can see the video of it on A Well Designed Business Youtube channel- something really well worth seeing! Listen in to find out more about Manuella and her fabulous career.

Today, we’re talking about Manuella’s fascinating career, working for Ethan Allen. What LuAnn finds interesting is that it’s really so completely different from what she would have expected an Ethan Allen Designer’s career to look like and she points out that the opportunities that this brings for Manuella are truly remarkable. Listen in now, to find out more.

Today, Manuella talks to LuAnn about:

  • The research that she did and the decision-making process that she went through in 2013 when she had the opportunity to go to Ethan Allen.
  • That the CEO personally approves each Designer employed by the company- and there are fifteen hundred of them!
  • Why she chose to work for Ethan Allen rather than any other company.
  • That at Ethan Allen, they really value the Interior Design portion of their company.
  • The different levels of Designers at Ethan Allen and their ongoing training processes for their Designers.
  • Their really different approach to working with their clients.
  • That there really are opportunities for new Designers at Ethan Allen.
  • How Manuella and Robert Nelson, the other Lead Designer, assist the other Designers in the company to execute their projects successfully- they’re really not competitive.
  • How they, as a company, manage the huge number of walk-in customers, who come into the showroom.
  • That the Designers at Ethan Allen don’t really work specific hours.
  • That Manuella created her website for herself and feels as if she’s running her own business but under the Ethan Allen umbrella.
  • That each Designer within the company really has their own approach to marketing themselves.
  • That Ethan Allen has really given Manuella the freedom to be creative.
  • That they only do their sourcing from Ethan Allen’s product.
  • How they’re evolving at Ethan Allen, as a brand.
  • That Ethan Allen’s in-house Designers design 70% of the products that they have on offer.
  • Designing in such a way as to stay relevant.
  • Their two different Trade Programs at Ethan Allen and the credit and also the commissions that you could earn from purchasing from them, as a Designer.
  • That they’re trying to work more and more with Designers, at their new Flat Iron location and the 25% discount they offer to the clients.
  • The whole online scenario for Ethan Allen and the new features on their website. Go to ethanallen.com to find out.
  • That one design project really seems to lead to the next- and it all starts with a conversation.
  • How much Manuella really loves building relationships with her clients.
  • The really awesome video on Manuella’s website. (manuellaMoreira.com)
  • All the recognition and awards that Manuella has earned.

What’s coming up on the horizon with Ethan Allen and Amazon and Manuella’s role in that.


Manuella’s email: manuella.Moreira@ethanallen.com

Manuella’s website: http://www.manuellaMoreira.com

Manuella’s Instagram: mgmdecor

What Level is Your Design Business?