Power Talk Friday – Rob Greenlee: Should You Start an Interior Design Podcast?

Have you been considering putting your toe into the podcast pool lately?
If so, you will really learn a lot from today’s Power Talk Friday, as LuAnn interviews Rob Greenlee, a pioneer in the Podcast Industry. LuAnn often talks about your ‘only’ on the show. Well, Rob’s only is that he is the very first person to take a radio program and turn it into a podcast and that’s pretty exciting! If you’re wondering why she’s talking to a leader in the Podcast Industry, it’s because Interior Design Podcasts are busy popping up all over. Although LuAnn and Nick have been covering the business side of the industry on their podcast, the consumer-facing side of podcasting has more and more Interior Designers joining their ranks. LuAnn has had a number of previous guests who’d had their own podcast by the time that she had interviewed them and this is apart from the dozen or so other shows that have launched in the last year or two, that LuAnn has not yet had a chance to engage with. These are all consumer facing and talking about the things that LuAnn doesn’t talk about- the pretty stuff. Listen in as Rob indulges you a bit and LuAnn picks his brain about where this field is heading and also to help you to decipher some of the in’s and out’s of it.
Rob is the head of Podcast Content at Spreaker.com, a really huge name in podcasting. He is the former Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer at Podcast Network, Podcast 1.com. He is also the former Content Manager of Podcast For Windows Phone, Zoon and Xbox and he currently co-hosts the new media show at Geek News Central Live, every morning at 9 am (Pacific time). Rob is also the former founder and lead host of Web Talk World Radio Show and Zoon Insider Podcast. The really cool thing is that Web Talk Radio was an eight year running national, syndicated terrestrial broadcast radio show and it’s recognized as the very first broadcast radio program in the world, to begin podcasting! Listen in now to find out more!
Today, Rob talks to LuAnn about:
- Why it’s really not too late to start a podcast right now.
- What’s coming in the future, technologically, with podcasts?
- How long it really takes to build a new media.
- What current research about podcasts is showing.
- The really powerful medium of podcasting.
- What makes a successful podcast host.
- Podcasting as a really viable form of advertising.
- That you have to offer value, before you receive value, with this medium.
- That authenticity and trust are fundamental qualities for success in this medium.
- That your particular slant on design can really come across on the podcast.
- Using video to supplement your podcast.
- The best approach to podcasting as a marketing arm of a business.
- What it takes to inspire the listener to have a visual experience through audio.
- Ways to use listener’s questions to create a podcast.
- Why your Interior Design Podcast can really be unique.
- That consistent production of shows really builds an audience.
- Building a loyal base of listeners.
- Choosing the best hook for your show.
- Why you should really just jump in and do it!
- That it’s really okay to learn and evolve as you grow, with podcasting.
- That it’s really hard to predict where you will go with this particular ‘box of opportunity’.
- Doing your research, if you intend doing a podcast.
- How you really can become an expert in your field through podcasting.