Power Talk Friday: Calvin Correli – Combine Entrepreneurship & Spirituality? Calvin Says Yes!
Episode 147 of A Well-Designed Business®

I have Calvin Correli with me today and I have learned talking with him before the show that he is a very interesting man!
He is an artist, entrepreneur, a CEO of a holistically focused multimillion-dollar software company called Simplero. Calvin is very passion about helping online business owners do exactly what makes them feel most alive and is currently working on branching out to bring all of his talents including music, spirituality, personal growth and bring all of this into an exciting new experience.
Show Notes:
- What is Calvin’s business, Simplero?
- What is Calvin’s personal mission with his business?
- What would be some business advice that he would give?
- How long has he been self-employed?
- What are some questions does he asks himself for his business?
- How does he use meditation to help him with projects?
- How can people emulate the life that he lives?
- How can you integrate your life and work?
- What is so great about the “fingerprinting stuff”?