Sarah Wilson- Chansaerae Designs: Only 2 Years in Business and Clearly On the Path to Success!

Welcome back to another Well-Designed Business!
If you are a first-time listener and just now finding our show thank you so much for tuning in! On the show, today Sarah Wilson is with me. Sarah is an interior designer located in Redlands, California. She has just hit her two-year anniversary in business. She is a designer with a degree from the designer institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles.
Today you are going to learn why and how Sarah left a career as a software quality engineer to pursue her passion in interior design. While she was attending FDIN she participated in different chairing styles where she created a chairing style that she intends to one day bring to market. Color is one of Sarah’s passions and encourages clients to use bold colors in their spaces.
Show Notes:
- What are some of the skill sets that Sarah brought to her business?
- What other degrees does Sarah have?
- What would she like to tell all the people starting their new interior design businesses?
- Where and how did she get her first client for her business?
- How did she start up her business?
- What is BNI?
- What were some things that she thought would be challenging but were surprisingly easy?
- How important is networking for your business?
- What are some mistakes that Sarah encountered during her first two years in business?
- What are some big victories that she has accomplished in her first two years?
- How did she come to the decision to raise her prices for her services?
- What goals has Sarah set for herself for 2017?
- What process did she use to bring in interns?
- How does Sarah organize her Instagram and use it to show off her work?