Kimberley Seldon: We All Know Clients Matter, at Business of Design, Designers Matter Too.
Episode 112 of A Well-Designed Business®

I am so grateful to have Kimberley Seldon on the show today. She has been requested by more than one guest that has been on the show. Kimberley is not only going to further beautiful luxury design, but also help by teaching interior designers how to emulate you and have a fabulous business. Kimberley is a brilliant and talented woman of many trades. She is an interior designer, editor, keynote speaker, broadcast personality and runs her online platform “Business of Design” where she teaches professional development to designers, decorators, stagers and stylists!
Show Notes:
- When did Kimberley have her “come to Jesus” moment in her career?
- What caused her to have a “come to Jesus” moment?
- Is it possible that interior designers make mistakes?
- Should you bill the client if a mistake happens outside the company?
- What were some of the challenges working with her own business coach and transitioning with her coach?
- How did she make her paperwork not suck?
- Why is it important to have good paperwork?
- How do you present yourself when you are a brand new interior designer?
- What are some things you should not do when first starting out?
- “The wrong client will never turn into the right client.”
- Should you charge for your consultation?
- How much should you charge for your consultations?
- What is Business of Design and what does it offer?
- Is there a book coming in the near future?
- If there is a book what would it be about?
- What does her business look like on the inside?
- How many courses does Kimberley offer?
- What is the difference between the free membership and paid membership for her courses?