LuAnn Live 2023 – Sponsorship Opportunities
Keynote Sponsor
Get in front of our targeted, engaged audience of interior designers—on stage and across multiple platforms.
$35,000 | 8 Available 5 Available
- One Sponsored Podcast Episode ($10,000 Value)
- A dynamically inserted pre-show ad on every show in the back catalog—excluding other sponsored shows—for one full week. This ad will be heard approximately 40,000 and 50,000 times! You’re going to want to hear about this. Ask LuAnn what it means and prepare to be excited! ($8,000 Value)
- 5-10 Minutes of Stage Time at LuAnn Nigara Live with the Introduction of a Keynote Speaker
- 2 Dedicated Email Blasts to Our Engaged Email List of 7,800+ Contacts
- Logo and Sponsorship Credit on the Event Landing Page and Other Key Areas
- 2 Tickets to the Event!
- Full-Page Ad in the LuAnn Nigara Live Program Guide
- Listing in LuAnn Nigara Live 2023 Email Newsletters as a Sponsor
- Featured in Social Media Promotion Leading Up to the Event
Exhibitor Table
Interact directly with our enthusiastic audience of interior designers at the event.
$5,500 | 12 Available 2 Available
- Prime 6′ Table Space in the Exhibit Area
- A Dedicated 20-Minute Pre-Event Instagram Live with LuAnn
- 2 Tickets to the Event!
- A Preferred Business Listing in the LuAnn Nigara Live Program Guide
- Listing in LuAnn Nigara Live 2023 Email Newsletters as a Sponsor
Industry Partner Event Ticket
All of the magic that is LuAnn Nigara Live—while networking with our unique, engaged audience of interior designers.
- 2 Days of Pen-and-Paper Presentations | Join experts, designers, and our moderators—sharing all of their best advice and strategies. Plus LuAnn’s opening remarks, all of the antics between panels, commentary, and extra insights from the emcees, as well as LuAnn’s closing “Aha Moments” chat. (This was a highlight of LuAnn Live 2019!)
- Cocktail Reception and Meals with Your Colleagues | Join us for a cocktail reception to mix, mingle, and network. Plus: Two lunches and one dinner are included in the price of your ticket!
- The LuAnn Live Program Guide | What’s happening and when? It’s a big event and you’ll need to know the schedule!
Plus Industry Partner Extras…
- A business listing in the LuAnn Live Program Guide
- Unlimited networking with interior designers!