What Level is Your Design Business?

LuAnn Live • Exhibitor Table Sponsor Questionnaire

IMPORTANT: Please fill out and submit the questionnaire below as soon as possible so we can start including your business in our marketing for the event.

In addition to submitting this form, please email your logo file in both vector format (ending in .eps, .svg, or .ai) and PNG or JPG format to hello@luannnigara.com with the subject line LNL 2023.

"*" indicates required fields

Have you provided an offer for the Box of Money?*

Social Media Handles - Please only provide handles for the platforms that you utilize:

Please use the following fields to list your podcast episode appearances, if applicable:

In order to be featured in any event marketing, your logo file in both vector format (ending in .eps, .svg, or .ai) and PNG or JPG format must be sent to hello@luannnigara.com as soon as possible.*
What Level is Your Design Business?