Reply To: What’s on your mind, yogis?

Hi ladies,
Wow! That’s a lot happening, you are making me feel not so alone when I read your notes. I do everything but fabrication and installation myself, so no staff to worry about but it’s been an interesting year of experimenting with new workrooms and new installers. After many years of smooth sailing I’ve had to make a lot of changes in both areas which has been challenging but I’m trusting it will make me better and stronger and able to grow.
Vessie, I made the switch to QBO a few years back and really hated it at first. It felt like a primary version of QB desk top to me at first, but I got used to it and can’t really remember what the problem was any more. I agree with Vita, you might want a 2nd opinion as most accountants like it and it does make it easier for them to help you through the year as well as at tax time. The only problem I had was with sales tax, it’s been years and I feel it just doesn’t work right and the help desk can’t seem to help me make it work correctly, so I literally figure it out on a form I created and then plug the findings into QBO before I pay the tax. I set up QB myself, so it probably is just a set up problem.
Nikki, I’m so impressed with your investment with your accounting firm, and for jumping in with the CFO investment! I’m a big believer in knowing your numbers. Since we are all here to make a profit, it just makes sense to get that component figured out. I’m on a mission to find a new accounting firm who can take over my bookkeeping and sales tax. I love my CPA and he is great for year end taxes, but I don’t love their in-house bookkeeper so I’ve always done it myself. Would you be willing to sharing the contact info for the firm you work with? On another note….your staff! Wow, that is a lot to handle, can I just say I’m impressed with how cheerful and curious you always showed up to Vita’s classes with all of that going on!
Olga, You must be doing something right if you have been turning down business since September! I used to think having too much business was a good problem to have, until THIS year happened! Now I just feel a bit naive, my really great systems only worked for as long as I didn’t need help, so now I’m scrambling to get everything set up in a way that I can hire at least virtual help to manage the projects and do my books. Good luck with all the changes you want to make, especially with a partner who is reluctant!
Vita, I can’t even tell you how much your class has launched me forward into a place of finally understanding how to split up the work I do every day into “departments”. For some reason I could never see how to pass off just a part of each project, now I feel like I have a path to follow and I am so grateful!
It looks like we all will be re-watching the videos over the Christmas break. I for one would love a zoom call to discuss what we have re-watched and problem solve and dig in a little deeper. I’ll be around between Christmas and New Year if anyone is interested in setting a date to chat.
You are all such an inspiration – thank you! Merry Christmas!