What Level is Your Design Business?

Reply To: What’s on your mind, yogis?


Hi Vita and fellow Yogis!
I am very thankful for your course and it gives me a very good picture of how it can be. I am blown away how much work you put into creating all the formulas and a real system that can run without you already! I feel very hopeful that it is also possible for me! Right now I am just absorbing all the theory because I am super busy and overwhelmed in the midst of a very busy Holiday season. I have started turning people away since September as we just can’t keep up with the volume of coming in work (Hiring new help is like pulling teeth these days, so I had to go get behind the sewing machine) plus my very long time installer (7 years) gave me a notice about a month ago, so I’m just stressed.
Once this madness ends, I need to rewatch all the videos again at Christmas break and make a solid plan of steps to take and bring my business to the next level. I also have a business partner and that worries me a little bit since he is very much stuck in his own ways and not super open to new ideas or changes ( maybe it’s the age talking…he is 67 with no desire to retire).
This letter kind of came out too negative and complainy and whiny…that was not my intention at all.
* I have good people working for me, I just need to find others that are as good.
* I am very hopeful there is a light at the end of this year’s tunnel! This will actually be my most successful year financially! Yay!
* I have cleaned out the bottom of my van from tons of fabrics! Still have to tackle the closet but it will happen for sure! even though I wasn’t very successful with finding a lot of places to donate the fabrics to, I still found a few, so that’s progress!
* I am taking some meditation classes and trying to incorporate a healthy every day body approach!
* I realized that I can actually plan on taking a very long vacation in the summer (about a month), so all these systems will be very handy.

So Thank you Vita from the bottom of my heart for giving me hope!

What Level is Your Design Business?