Reply To: The WHY behind your goal

My big Why is :
* First and Foremost: I want to find a balance in my life. I have neglected myself and always put myself last on the priority list, I don`’t spend precious time with my children, my husband is completely on the back burner:), I run around all day and bring 100 folders (yes folders!) at home to continue the madness at night because there is not enough hours during the day. I am tired of being tired. I want to reduce the stress , I want to have time to enjoy life.
* Second: Having said all that, I would like my business to be a success. This is my baby! I want to be Proud of it. I need to be sure it`s running like an oiled mashine.
* Lastly, I will be less stressed when I know that at any given point, for whatever reason, I can set myself free from this business and not worry that all those years have been watsed because my business is unsellable. Because the way it is right now, I AM the business.