Delyse Berry: The Execution of the Design Project is as Important as the Design Result

Today With Delyse Berry:
Today, I am joined by Delyse Berry, owner of Upstate Down, an interior design studio and real estate brokerage, with also a home decor store. Delyse uses a process built around a holistic approach which entails a clear formula for clients to understand what they do, their vision , and the best execution process. This framework delivers an incredible experience for clients, a streamline process for them, and has grown their business faster and more effortlessly. Listen in to get the details!
Pick It Apart
[3:07] How Delyse shares the process with clients without overwhelming them.
[10:30] Trusting yourself so others can trust you.
[12:36] Delyse breaks down what is on the spreadsheet that clients see, and the spreadsheet that only she and her team see.
[17:00] Backing up all of your documents.
[24:03] How Delyse built momentum in her business in such a short period of time.
[:55] Since they charge hourly, Delyse shares how they track the hours and how they invoice.
LuAnn Nigara and Delyse Berry’s Ah-Ha Moments
“The execution process is as important as the end result.” – Delyse Berry
“I think the industry needs to look at the way in which it is executed. If a client isn’t happy about something, we need to look at how we contribute and deliver the news to them.” – Delyse Berry
“Laying out as much up front as you can during your initial conversation with a client is very important.” – Delyse Berry
“A beautiful outcome can’t come from a crappy process.” – LuAnn Nigara
More About Delyse Berry
CEO & Principal Broker. Rhinebeck resident by way of New Jersey and Brooklyn. Interior Designer and Principal Broker with 10+ years experience in high end Real Estate in the Hudson Valley. Holiday enthusiast, treasure collector, and proud mama. Is secretly re-designing every room she enters.
Connect with Delyse Berry
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Audiobook: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2
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