Pamela Durkin: Utilize Time Blocking to Increase Productivity in Your Interior Design Business
Today with Pamela Durkin:
Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today with Pamela Durkin, author of Elevate and owner of Pamela Durkin Designs, we are discussing how to time block our tasks. Pamela is coughing up some great strategies on how we can set specific blocks of time for specific tasks that will help us, get this, “Get more done in one day then you used to get done in an entire week.”
Pick it apart:
[2:00] Pamela talks to us about time blocking to increase productivity.
[8:30] Pamela takes us to the next level of getting a weeks’ worth of things done in a day.
[11:15] Pamela explains a strategy for completing the potential tasks we get from when we check all of our emails.
[26:00] Pamela and LuAnn discuss the importance of communicating to your clients your time expectancy.
LuAnn and Pamela Durkin’s Ah-Ha moments:
“We need concentrated time to accomplish anything. We need to be aware of the fact that bouncing around to different tasks can hurt our productivity. ” – Pamela Durkin
“If we can think about where we are spending our time and how that relates to money in our business, then you ask yourself if you should even be doing those things.” – Pamela Durkin
“Time blocking is more than being efficient, it’s understanding that we have finite hours in the day and if we’re not making enough money by putting these blocks of time in, then maybe we are not charging enough.” – Pamela Durkin
“We are imperfectly perfect and always a work in progress. We should always give ourselves a pat on the back for our progress. As long as we are trying and moving forward, it’s all good.” – Pamela Durkin
More about Pamela Durkin:
Pamela Durkin, ASID, LEED AP ID+C
Design is powerful and Pamela wants designers to step into that power. After 30 years in the high-end design business, she is now helping other designers create a business they love through her In Demand Designer Program. She teaches them how to be magnetic and attract the best clients. This method makes owning a design business easier and more fulfilling. Her book, Elevate! can be found on Amazon.
Pamela Durkin has been a professional interior designer for over 30 years. She is a past-president of ASID Florida South Chapter and served on the Board of Architecture and Design in NJ. She lives in Naples, FL and in her spare time, loves spending time on the beach and learning new moves in her home dance studio.
Connect with Pamela Durkin
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