What Level is Your Design Business?

Rick Campos: Design Biz Survival Guide Celebrates 4 Years!

Episode 774 of A Well-Designed Business®
774: Rick Campos: Design Biz Survival Guide Celebrates 4 Years!

Today with Rick Campos:

Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today I am joined by Interior Designer and fellow podcaster Rick Campos of Design Biz Survival Guide. I had the absolute honor of turning the tables on Rick and putting him in the hot seat for his 4 year anniversary episode. I am delighted to share this with you today and thank you again Rick for the tremendous honor of making me apart of this milestone.

More about Rick Campos:

Rick Campos is a self proclaimed “recovering interior designer” with fifteen years of experience in the design industry. Formerly Director of Business Development for a notable Orange County design firm, his daily interactions with architects, builders, vendors and clients contributes to a broad perspective of the design industry. In 2018 Rick traded in his tape measure for a microphone and launched Design Biz Survival Guide – a podcast about life and business for interior design professionals – with the intention of informing and inspiring the design community. In 2019 Rick integrated freelance consulting into the platform with an emphasis on “the business of design” exclusively for the interior design community. He has since helped numerous design entrepreneurs grow their business to new levels. The platform has since evolved to include annual business development retreats, learning opportunities, networking events, and an online community. “My mission is to be the source of information and inspiration to interior design entrepreneurs that I needed when I launched my own design business back in 2007. To promote and further develop a design community that supports and empowers fellow design professionals on their journey in life and business.”

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What Level is Your Design Business?