Lesley Myrick: Offering Interior Design Without Procurement

Today with Lesley Myrick:
Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. E-design has certainly grown in popularity in recent years. My guest today, Lesley Myrick has gone that route as well. But she missed the connection aspect of creating designs specifically for clients. So she forged her own service, the Design Master Plan, that offers a high-level customer experience, with everything but the procurement. Today, Lesley talks about finding the pieces of business she values the most and letting everything else go.
Pick it apart:
- [3:56] Lesley gives an overview of the Design Master Plan and why she chose to create the service.
- [14:24] Lesley discusses how a conversation with a coach helped her hone in on what she valued most in her business.
- [20:26] LuAnn and Lesley talk about how to put an end to scope creep with Lesley’s model.
- [26:07] Lesley shares the value of 3D renderings.
- [37:18] Lesley reiterates why connection is so important in her business.
LuAnn and Lesley Myrick’s Ah-Ha moments:
“You are seasoned enough to explain the scope and the deliverables at the beginning with clarity—that’s key. Number 2, you have priced the job profitably so when you want to be generous you can. And number 3, you are delivering a fully executed plan in detail at the beginning.” -LuAnn
“That’s why connection matters so much. I need to be able to have these honest conversations. And they’re not conversations meant to scare people off or freak them out, but we need to have enough of a connection and trust where I can say these things and it’s not met with hesitation or frustration.” -Lesley
“So it’s just eliminating the middle and end phase…but the deliverable and the service and the quality of the first phase is not compromised in any way.” -LuAnn
More about Lesley Myrick:
Lesley Myrick is an adventurous, organized, and enthusiastic interior designer in the Atlanta, Georgia area (and she works with clients all over the US and Canada, too). Lesley is originally from Canada and has lived and worked in Toronto, Ontario; Los Angeles, California; Waco, Texas; and now Macon, Georgia. She earned an honors diploma in interior design from Sheridan College in 2005 and launched Lesley Myrick Art + Design in 2015. She works with high-achieving women who are ambitious, adaptable, and committed to personal and professional growth. Lesley helps these driven women bust out of boring homes and helps new interior designers launch kickass businesses they love.
Connect with Lesley Myrick
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