Power Talk Friday: Connie Vanderzanden: To Generate Money, Shift the Way You Think About Money
Today with Connie Vanderzand:
Welcome to A Well Designed Business. Today I am talking with Connie Vanderzanden, who has developed the Going Beyond Revenue Cash Handling System. This interview is not only with a professional financial coach whose superpower is money, but it’s with someone who has financially hit rock bottom herself in her previous bookkeeping business, only to rise back up and take control of her finances and her money story. Now she’s here to share how she did it and to offer additional tips, support, and hope towards our finances.
If you want to change your emotions about money, feel empowered by it, and take full control of your financial situation in your business, this episode is where it’s at. Enjoy!
Pick it apart:
[3:57] Connie tells us about the business she used to be in and what made her open her eyes.
[7:40] Connie explains how she got into her financial situation and debt that caused her to change.
[13:00] We learn the tangible obstacles that may keep us from being open to a money mindset shift.
[20:40] Connie tells us what steps to take if we are feeling like we want to give up on our business due to debt.
[27:00] Connie gives us an overview of her Going Beyond Revenue Cash Handling System.
[40:40] Connie and LuAnn give tips on when you want to hire a team
LuAnn and Connie’s Ah-Ha Moments
“A lot of the times when I am working with people with debt, it’s acknowledging their shame and guilt around it and addressing it and forming a new relationship with it.” – Connie Vanderzanden
“Debt can be used well in a business as long as we’re intentional about how we’re going to use it and how we’re going to pay it back.” – Connie Vanderzanden
“There’s empowerment in a choice once you can see the black and white and see where you are spending it, to make better choices.” – Connie Vanderzanden
“Your safe environment should begin with your financial person.” – LuAnn Nigara
More About Connie Vanderzand:
Connie Vanderzanden is on a mission to help entrepreneurs live the lifestyles they desire by learning the simple steps, structure, and discipline to create and save money. With 35 years of accounting and bookkeeping experience, a variety of industry knowledge, and her own real-life business growth journey since 2001, Connie developed the Going Beyond Revenue Cash Handling System, focusing on cash flow planning that creates profitable and sustainable businesses. Connie is a true Oregonian, born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest where she spends time with her husband of 35 years and their “fur kid”.
Connect with Connie Vanderzand
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