Power Talk Friday: Duke Renders: How to Incorporate 3D Renderings into Your Interior Design Business

Today with Duke Renders:
Welcome to a Well-Designed Business. Today’s sponsored show with Fernando Duque of Duke Renders is valuable on multiple levels. Not only will you get a unique insight into what the world of high-quality 3D rendering offers you and how Duke Renders can help you take advantage of it, but you’ll also hear from an expert business owner who knows what it takes to grow a business to full fruition within just a year.
Pick it apart:
- [8:12] Fernando shares the story of how helping his wife led to the creation of Duke Renders.
- [13:45] LuAnn and Fernando discuss the importance of core values and how sticking to them makes business decisions easier.
- [31:39] Fernando highlights the process of designers working with Duke Renders, from start to finish.
- [48:27] Fernando points out what makes Duke Renders different and why you should work with them.
- [51:48] Fernando shares the company’s referral system and previews the Black Friday offer you need to take advantage of.
LuAnn and Fernando Duque’s Ah-Ha moments:
“It’s all about core values and how to build a company from the very beginning with a nice set of rules that you live by. For us, it’s very simple. Some of our core values are that we are a client-centric company and we have to pay attention to detail because we’re serving such a specific industry. We like to have our fair share of fun too. Being a client-centric company means that we put the client first in everything that we do. I know it sounds like everyone does that focusing on creating the best experience for our clients is what we focus on. That comes with brand loyalty, and that’s why our clients keep coming back.” -Fernando Duque
“I love what you said—if you’re going to do something through the filter of your values, it saves you so much time. That’s something I say over and over and over again. It’s why a designer has to set their mission, their vision, and their core values.” -LuAnn Nigara
“That line, ‘We didn’t know much about rendering but we knew how to build a business’ is the premise of the podcast…It’s like we say all the time—you don’t need to hire someone with a skillset; you need to hire someone with ethics, who shares your core values…You’re going to teach them the rest, but you can’t teach them character. This is the same thing to me with the business. You didn’t need to know about rendering. You needed to know about business.” -LuAnn Nigara
“The trick to building a healthy company is that the minute you find out there’s someone better than you, hire them and spread the culture of your company. For us, we started hiring better 3D artists from very early on. That’s why we have grown so fast and been able to serve more people.” -Fernando Duque
Connect with Duke Renders
Email: info@dukerenders.com
More About Duke Renders:
Fernando is a serial entrepreneur, born in Venezuela, with a bachelor in Economics and an MBA from Babson College. He has a passion for starting companies and making them grow, Duke Renders being the 5th in his career. He lives in Tulum, Mexico with his beautiful wife Mina (who you can listen to in episode 639) and their new baby Company B Penelope. io Duke Renders is a 3D Rendering Studio based in beautiful Tulum, Mexico. They serve busy interior designers with 100% accurate photo-realistic 3D renderings. Their goal is to make you and your clients feel proud, confident and empowered at every step of the design process. They have clients such as Intercontinental Hotel Group, Kate Rumson, Eneia White, Mikel Welch, Lindsey Brooke and over 300+ more. They created the renderings for the Obsidian Experience by BADG (Black Artist Designers Guild) and their work has been featured in Forbes, Architectural Digest, House Beautiful and now the Luann Nigara’s Podcast.
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Book 1: The Making of A Well – Designed Business: Turn Inspiration into Action
Book 2: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts
Pre-Order Book 3: A Well-Designed Business – The Power Talk Friday Experts Volume 2
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A Big THANK YOU to Today’s Podcast Sponsor:
Thank you to Duke Renders for sponsoring this show!
Other Shows Mentioned:
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